New Bee
Hello again!
On the 21/5 having capped queen cells and no signs of queen in either of my hives, I did an AS on both putting 2 capped cells in each of the now 4 brood boxes. Few days later went in and took each one down to one capped cell (so I thought). Left them alone, few days ago one swarmed, managed to catch it and quick trip to buy a new hive, they seem settled. Went in today and looked at the 4 brood boxes, 3 had 2 empty queen cells so missed those swarms. One hive I saw a queen but in the others I didn't, but all 4 had no brood!
Is it a bit early to be expecting a laying queen as they are allless than 3 weeks old?
On the 21/5 having capped queen cells and no signs of queen in either of my hives, I did an AS on both putting 2 capped cells in each of the now 4 brood boxes. Few days later went in and took each one down to one capped cell (so I thought). Left them alone, few days ago one swarmed, managed to catch it and quick trip to buy a new hive, they seem settled. Went in today and looked at the 4 brood boxes, 3 had 2 empty queen cells so missed those swarms. One hive I saw a queen but in the others I didn't, but all 4 had no brood!
Is it a bit early to be expecting a laying queen as they are allless than 3 weeks old?