This is the second week with no Queens in two of my hives both overwintered well and No1 hive has half a super of honey No 2 has a full super but no brood. Both have supersedure cells with the caps hanging loose so am I o k to assume that the Queens failed for some reason and I am waiting for the virgin Queens to get started?
4 weeks ago I made up an artificial swarm hive No 3, when Queen cells found on hive No 1 this appears to be progressing well. Did I miss the swarm? All hives have a lot of activity but no signs of pollen being collected.
4 weeks ago I made up an artificial swarm hive No 3, when Queen cells found on hive No 1 this appears to be progressing well. Did I miss the swarm? All hives have a lot of activity but no signs of pollen being collected.