new years resolutions

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I never make a promise I just can't keep

Aren't resolutions just that?

Something to occupy the winter nights before the spring build-up?
I can never understand why people use gyms. if they want to loose weight stop eating so much

2 main reasons for Gym Membership;
  • Release for exhibitionist tendency/ strut their stuff away from their other half + bit of willy watching in the showers.
  • Best excuse for a full cooked breakfast with all the trimmings + Full-Fat hot Chocolate whilst claiming to be working on the (very obvious) weight problem.
Also struggle with the idiots out running in the dark on the unlit roads, too much for them to pick their route across the local footpaths, perhaps fewer people would see them and the last chance to "stretch-off" in full view of the patrons at the local pub wouldn't be the same if covered in mud & poo would it?

Away from the Gym, we see quite the opposite;
Where a generation is shortened, un-natural selection is rapidly evolving a 3rd sub-class.
Those that would have previously succumbed are now being preserved by the NHS, worse, they meet their life partners in the line at the benefits office and knock out more replicas in order to boost their benefits and get a bigger council house, (presumably with a Granny flat) fit for any 30yr old 30 stone Granny.

OK, Rant over
Needless to say, I'm not a member of a gym and have no urge to run the next London Marathon!

That said I'm well under 11 stone & can run up the stairs without getting a sweat on.
Not because I exercise regularly more likely, I don't sit on my ass eating chips & chocolate cake, Claiming " I really don't understand how I get to be so big, must be my hormones"!
Aren't resolutions just that?

Something to occupy the winter nights before the spring build-up?

2 main reasons for Gym Membership;
  • Release for exhibitionist tendency/ strut their stuff away from their other half + bit of willy watching in the showers.
  • Best excuse for a full cooked breakfast with all the trimmings + Full-Fat hot Chocolate whilst claiming to be working on the (very obvious) weight problem.
Also struggle with the idiots out running in the dark on the unlit roads, too much for them to pick their route across the local footpaths, perhaps fewer people would see them and the last chance to "stretch-off" in full view of the patrons at the local pub wouldn't be the same if covered in mud & poo would it?

Away from the Gym, we see quite the opposite;
Where a generation is shortened, un-natural selection is rapidly evolving a 3rd sub-class.
Those that would have previously succumbed are now being preserved by the NHS, worse, they meet their life partners in the line at the benefits office and knock out more replicas in order to boost their benefits and get a bigger council house, (presumably with a Granny flat) fit for any 30yr old 30 stone Granny.

OK, Rant over
Needless to say, I'm not a member of a gym and have no urge to run the next London Marathon!

That said I'm well under 11 stone & can run up the stairs without getting a sweat on.
Not because I exercise regularly more likely, I don't sit on my ass eating chips & chocolate cake, Claiming " I really don't understand how I get to be so big, must be my hormones"!

:laughing-smiley-004:laughing-smiley-004:laughing-smiley-004:laughing-smiley-004:laughing-smiley-004 .. Brilliant you have just exercised my stomach muscles splendidly.. lol

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