New to bee keeping based in south wales

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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New Bee
May 11, 2014
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Hive Type
Based in the valleys of South Wales new to bee keeping hello and enjoying reading some of the posts
Welcome, Newport fella here if you ever need help.

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welcome to the madness of the forum, and the joy of bees! :welcome:

don't take posts personally, some people here can be quite "abrupt", but there's a wealth of - frequently contradictory and often confusing - info and experience here.

I wish this forum had been available when I started beekeeping!
New too!

Hi, I haven't got my bees yet but have found this forum which is full of helpful advice. I hope to be set up with one hive and a spare empty one in the next few weeks. My neighbour kindly called to say his hive had got the chance to see one forming. Lots of bees flying about and forming a cluster on a tree trunk. It was quite small really....looked like about 4 double handfuls. I hope he managed to collect it!
At the moment, I have 2 boxes full of bits of wood and polystyrene. I keep hoping it will all assemble itself into some kind of order.
This morning the car wouldn't car always starts! Why now? so couldn't go get the paint.
Yep.....all the bits still in boxes.
OH has been talking about hive stands and location of our bees. Perhaps he will be motivated into building the apiary. We are in quite a windy area so have got to sort some shelter out for them. This last winter we could hardly stand up when we went into the garden! The wind was so strong. We have some trees in a more sheltered bit of perhaps with some woven willow fencing and tying down the hive....we will survive next winters gales! The weather now is lovely. We hope the bees like their new home and stay with us....whilst we learn all about them. My daughter has been busy planting lots of trees, bushes and flowers for them.
Painting hives

Finally got out to the shops yesterday to buy the paint to do the poly hive. So spent this rainy day happily painting it. I wanted the 'pale heather' but no such luck! Only a choice of cream, pale cream, darker cream, Cornish cream, grey, black and white...... After combining my search with an assistant we came up with pale green....Hey resplendent in it's new livery my hive sits in the kitchen awaiting the great frame build!
Ha ornamented with frames. Managed to get one super finished and a couple of deep Hoffmann for the brood box before the drill conked out! now waiting on recharging. Also broke 3 drills....confessed to will have to get some more on next shopping foray. Actually....pale green is growing on me....

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