New Bee
Hi all,
I am an urban beekeeper in London, UK. Our neighbour complained to the council about the volume of bees we had this spring - so had to urgently move some hives to new locations.
One of the hives we had to move was a queenless split (not ideal I know) that was made on Tuesday 13th April.
On Wednesday, 21 April, the day before moving the hive, I observed capped queen cells:
Thursday 22nd April, we moved the hive.
Then, on Monday 9th May, this hive swarmed, presumably with a virgin / mated queen? I captured them and moved to a new hive in a nearby location.

I looked into the original hive, and observed honey and pollen, no eggs or larvae, and a few frames of bees. I also observed one open queen cell, and one capped queen cell (pictured below).

This queen cell is in the exact same location as the queen cell I observed on 22nd April, but seems to be a new / different cell.
What is happening here? Any input and comments appreciated, thanks for your time!
I am an urban beekeeper in London, UK. Our neighbour complained to the council about the volume of bees we had this spring - so had to urgently move some hives to new locations.
One of the hives we had to move was a queenless split (not ideal I know) that was made on Tuesday 13th April.
On Wednesday, 21 April, the day before moving the hive, I observed capped queen cells:

Thursday 22nd April, we moved the hive.
Then, on Monday 9th May, this hive swarmed, presumably with a virgin / mated queen? I captured them and moved to a new hive in a nearby location.

I looked into the original hive, and observed honey and pollen, no eggs or larvae, and a few frames of bees. I also observed one open queen cell, and one capped queen cell (pictured below).

This queen cell is in the exact same location as the queen cell I observed on 22nd April, but seems to be a new / different cell.
What is happening here? Any input and comments appreciated, thanks for your time!
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