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International Beekeeper of Mystery
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 30, 2011
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Too many - but not nearly enough
In the spirit of Swarm's last thread, thought I'd post this.
Just over two years ago we lost rather suddenly SWMBO's dog Mabel (the one in my avatar) and not long after I had to put down my elderly spaniel as she was past help. SWMBO got a new dog not long after (heartbroken, as it's the first time we haven't had dogs at Brynmair) a tiny little sausage dog Twts (Twt being the welsh vernacular for tiny)
last weekend we adopted two rescue daxies, a ten year old dog and nine year old bitch, lifelong companions and inseparable whose elderly owner is hospitalised and no longer capable of caring for them.
Due to age and being a pair the rescue people were unable to find a home for them but.................... teach me to show SWMBO things on facebook!!

Pictures of the pair when they arrived, and now enjoying the freedom of the front lawn (easier to keep an eye on them until they settle) with twts supervising their yard time.


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It was a charitable thing to do and they are obviously well cared for, life is poorer without a dog about the place. One of ours is seventeen, blind and deaf, but nose and brain are sound and he enjoys life.
An absolutely brilliant thing to do, you have nearly brought a tear to my eye, it is bad when old folk can not take care of one any more but two that have to be separated would be heartbreaking for the old owner, my hat comes of too you for taking the two of them.:cheers2::cheers2:
Yes ... well done JBM - old dogs are very difficult to re-home and two together needed someone extraordinary to take them ... they look well settled in !!
they look well settled in !!

They are - the pair have sorted out their spot beside my chair in the study and they don't budge from there all day, unless I move, then they follow.
They could never be parted, wherever one goes so does the other - we've put them on a couple when walking so no faffing around with three leads and you could swear they were born to it - moving without fuss tethered a foot apart. It's when you take them off the couple you realise that they still walk around as if joined together.
Sigh.....this is making me broody, especially after losing my old collie.
mbc has the most beautiful short haired blue collie.......I could have stolen when I collected my honey.....
Good one JBM,

we took on a seven year old Labrador bitch that the owners (29 year old couple) said, she doesnt need walking much, we justgive her TEN MINUTES on Saturday and Sunday

She acted like a seven year old puppy the first long walk we went on and collasped after 30 minutes But after two years, it is me who is now struggling to keep up on our daily five mile walk
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