nectar piling into brood box

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May 29, 2018
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East Sussex
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is there a way of encouraging bees to use super

most of our colonies seem to be brining in nectar fast and storing wherever they can and where the q would be laying...

some on double brood where i fear all space will be filled with honey
some on single where the same seems to be happening


the supers i have put on are a mix of drawn and undrawn
do i just leave it and hope they move stores up etc
As long as you have some drawn super frames they should start moving honey. I took my eye off the ball while I went away for a few days and came back to a honey bound brood box and a few early queen cells. I took them down and added a drawn super and a frame of foundation in the brood. Going back to look in three days. If they persist in swarm preps I’ll have to AS. This was a swarm I got at the beginning of June. I slept on it and put another drawn super under the excluder this morning
As long as you have some drawn super frames they should start moving honey. I took my eye off the ball while I went away for a few days and came back to a honey bound brood box and a few early queen cells. I took them down and added a drawn super and a frame of foundation in the brood. Going back to look in three days. If they persist in swarm preps I’ll have to AS. This was a swarm I got at the beginning of June. I slept on it and put another drawn super under the excluder this morning

Always pays off to allow queen to be able to move UP to lay.
thanks both

is the drawn super under the excluder effectively to do brood and a half?

i want to avoid mine getting honey bound but want them to start to use super rather than brood, your advice is wait for them to start moving it up?

thanks for replying
Drawn super as brood and a half yes. As soon as the nest starts contracting you can push the queen back down. It depends how honey bound the brood nest is. Mine is stuffed with nectar.

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