Nearly gave it all up

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Queen Bee
Jul 9, 2010
Reaction score
Longsight, Manchester, UK
Hive Type
Number of Hives
None, although I have my eye on one ( Just don't tell Dusty ;) )
My mentor just brought me back from the brink of giving up on the bee project. I have been chasing and chasing since january for extraction to be arranged. Finally, this morniong, I was given a list of numbers and told to do it myself. I am close to having enough. If it wasn't for the fact I love those bees I would have given up today and just walked away.

Just venting, don't mind me.
Feel free to vent Kaz.

I'm sure there is someone on this forum close to you who would be willing to help, or your local association if you are a member. If all else fails the cut, crush and strain method is easy enough and costs virtually nothing.
Feel free to vent Kaz.

I'm sure there is someone on this forum close to you who would be willing to help, or your local association if you are a member. If all else fails the cut, crush and strain method is easy enough and costs virtually nothing.

Thanks Mike. Seems they want it spun, but are not willing to do anything about it. It should be renamed the Karen project, as I do the lot now. I mean everything! I'm calling a meeting and telling them I will tend the bees and that's all. All finances will have to be dealt with by someone else. I will tell them what I need, and someone else can deal with buying it. That's the best I'm willing to do now. I just got really upset about it today, and that's not on. If they want to pay me then I will be willing to do everything, but not voluntarily. It's just gone too far now. I'm having the piss took out of me basically. I love beekeeping too, but I can't allow this to carry on.

It's upsetting me.

Rant over....again....I may pick back up on it though lol
hey thats not like you .. wheres you spirit gone ? someone close by will surely offer you some help .:) DONT GIVE UP!!!!!
I know, i'm not feeling myself today. i think the last straw was being given a list of numbers last week. Today, I was asked why I hadn't rang them and arranged it myself. It's supposed to be a team effort, but I seem to be the only person in the team anymore. It's also tied in with the fact I'm struggling to pay for my sons birthday present, and the kids are off school. i'm on my own with them, and there is only so much one woman can do.

I've made my decision. I will be the beekeeper, but the financial side, raising money etc, will have to be someone elses job. I will tell them what I need and when I need it. That's my best offer. I start studying for a degree in Oct so They'll just have to take the slack. I think it's my own fault really. I've been coming up with the goods you see, even though we have no money, so they've just left it all to me. For my own sanity though, it has to change. I love those bees, and this shouldn't be getting me down in this way. Like you say, I'm just not myself!
Ever heard "Let a willing Horse Work"?

Pity I'm not closer :(
As I have the gear !

No desperate hurry Kaz, I don't think oilseed rape will bother you and ivy isn't in flower yet .
Take your time , find a bee proof shed etc to store the supers . Then try some more numbers :)
Yep! I agree you'll have to learn to delegate !
I suspect you only have a couple of supers ,which you may find easier to take to someones' extractor ,if no vehicle then do some arm twisting :)
This is a learning curve for you and you will learn to be a little less generous with your time !

Unfortunately beekeeping isn't all about bee management , it helps to gain some experience in people management which can only help you in the future !
I'm sure your wishes will be granted and someone will come up trumps ;)

I hope i don't appear to be in lecture mode :)
Ever heard "Let a willing Horse Work"?

Pity I'm not closer :(
As I have the gear !

No desperate hurry Kaz, I don't think oilseed rape will bother you and ivy isn't in flower yet .
Take your time , find a bee proof shed etc to store the supers . Then try some more numbers :)
Yep! I agree you'll have to learn to delegate !
I suspect you only have a couple of supers ,which you may find easier to take to someones' extractor ,if no vehicle then do some arm twisting :)
This is a learning curve for you and you will learn to be a little less generous with your time !

Unfortunately beekeeping isn't all about bee management , it helps to gain some experience in people management which can only help you in the future !
I'm sure your wishes will be granted and someone will come up trumps ;)

I hope i don't appear to be in lecture mode :)

Thank you VM. I would willingly delegate if there was someone who would do the job for me. They are going to have to anyway, or it'll all grind to a halt. They'll do it if they have to, it's just I'm coming up with the goods so they can sit back, impress people by telling them they are beekeepers without knowing or doing anything.

You are completely right. I need to learn to say no.
Thank you VM. I would willingly delegate if there was someone who would do the job for me. They are going to have to anyway, or it'll all grind to a halt. They'll do it if they have to, it's just I'm coming up with the goods so they can sit back, impress people by telling them they are beekeepers without knowing or doing anything.

You are completely right. I need to learn to say no.

What is the setup, then, Kaz? How is it these people can pretend to be doing beekeeping if they're not getting their hands dirty?
Kaz you have to look after yourself first, your kids second, and the bees third. Looking after bits of admin and things others can do is not even on the menu!
You don't need an excuse, you already have every reason, and a further one is your degree in the Autumn. Tell them you're already starting preparatory work for it - no head teacher with any integrity would allow anything to get in the way of that. What about putting it in writing, eg i'm starting preparatory work for my degree in the Autumn and while I fully intend to continue as the beekeeper I can no longer do admin related to the support of the project. End of. Drop all other tasks as if they were burning you (they are).
As you say, THEY will have to find someone else to do it! Good luck, don't weaken!
Keep going Kaz!!!
think of all that drone soup you will be missing out on ;)

It's basically the person who's idea the project was in the first place. She has all the contacts but has just dropped out on us, but hasn't told us, just ignored pleas for assistance etc.

I now have the list of numbers and am expected to run the whole set up....oh, but get this! She still expects to be consulted in decision making. Well no. Today, my foot has been put down hard. The teacher who assists me has immediately taken over with the numbers, she didn't realise it was getting to me as much as it has. It's my own fault really, I should stand up for myself. It's just I believe in this project so strongly, I have been doing my utmost to make it work, while the leader has been slyly distancing herself.

The people around me understand now, and have taken some of the load. Me and the teacher are going to have a talk on the phone, and decide where to go from here. Probably alone where we make the decisions. Nobody wanted to upset the original person you see, but I'm past that, and they understand if I go, the bees are pretty much knackered. Time to speak up and let them know how stressed out this has made me. These bees are living creatures, and they deserve to be treated properly. I will no longer make do, they will now get what they need and when they need it. Those are my terms.

Next time I inspect, a frame is coming home with me. I am going to extract it myself and share it with the teacher who has been by my side throughout. I don't care if the leader doesn't like it. I can't wait to give it to my children on their toast, let them taste proper honey for the first time ever!

Thank you everyone for your support. From myself, and from my bees. We are very grateful. I wish there was a way I could repay you all :)

And NO! dr stitson. I am NOT! doing a calendar! haha :biggrinjester:
Good for you Kaz, put your foot down with a firm hand :hurray:
"And NO! dr stitson. I am NOT! doing a calendar! haha"

shame - as i said you have a captive audience here.

"put your foot down with a firm hand"

and that just brings to mind other fundraising avenues.....
I have just got the tail end of this story which nearly ended so badly. I just want to say well done you, what a lovely lady you must be. Enjoy the honey.
I have just got the tail end of this story which nearly ended so badly. I just want to say well done you, what a lovely lady you must b Enjoy the honey.

And don't forget you might have a book to write after all this!
and breathe.. thats more like it, the fighting spirit is back hooray , sounds like you needed to speak your mind, they always say if you want something doing ask a busy person.. well done for standing your ground :)

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