Nasty bees

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Introducing a new mated queen is trick especially if its a strong full size hive.
My penny worth of advice would be to use:
1. Prepare a nuc with 3 frames of brood from the hive you want to requeen- make sure queen isn't in nuc. Move to one side of parent hive and forages will fly back to parent hive leaving the more docile younger bees. Introduce new queen in cage into nuc after 24 hrs and check accepted and laying 5 days later and remove any queen cells. At the same time as preparing the nuc remove old queen from nasty hive and check 6 days later and remove all queen cells- now this hive is hopelessly queenless.
After removing the queen cells combine the nuc with new queen with the queen less parent hive making sure the new queen is kept between 2 frames of the nuc.

This is good advice.

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