My inspection tray is stuck

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New Bee
May 9, 2011
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My yellow plastic inspection tray under the mesh at the bottom of my hive is stuck. Any suggestions how I can get it out? I've tugged hard with both hands to no avail and I want to check the status of varroa mites.
Need to try harder once out trim it down a wee tad
My yellow plastic inspection tray under the mesh at the bottom of my hive is stuck. Any suggestions how I can get it out? I've tugged hard with both hands to no avail and I want to check the status of varroa mites.
If it's the usual correx board, flex it down to free the runners then pull back. A sharp knife and steel rule should be able to cure future jams.
How long has it been in there, a few days is all that is needed, or did you leave it in all summer,

OMF are designed to be open so the mites for the majority of the year fall onto the ground
My yellow plastic inspection tray under the mesh at the bottom of my hive is stuck. Any suggestions how I can get it out? I've tugged hard with both hands to no avail and I want to check the status of varroa mites.

A couple of years ago I made the mistake of leaving the tray in for the winter, believing it would cut down on drafts!
Come spring it was stuck solid to the OMF with debris! Had the change the floor and give it all a very good clean!
Lift up the brood box and set it aside. Remove the floor and take it somewhere where you can give it a good yank.
Trying to get it out whilst it's still part of the hive is probably going to result in angry bees.
:iagree: One of mine was stuck a month or so back, it was nothing to do with the runners, the bees had dribbled propolis down on to it and then pulled it up to the mesh floor and stuck it good and proper, you will need to take the brood box of as mentioned above.
Got it sorted this morning! I used a yard stick to loosen it and it came out. I won't leave it in for long periods any more.
I use a ruler as recommended earlier to prise the plastic sheet away from the mesh and then get a good grip with a pair of needle-nosed pliers taking care not to rip the plastic as I pull on it.

There is a lot of debris coming down at this time of the year and it does not take long for it to get welded to the mesh.

In future, I am going to make sure I put a bigger gap between the mesh and the plastic sheet!
use vasaline on runners and the edge of board and it will not stick again
A liberal smearing of vaseline or vedgetable fat will prevent things being stuck down, maintainance makes life easier.
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