Hang on a minute. Let me think this one out, a moment or two, as to the ulterior motive for the thread.
There would be those that are for and those that are against.
Would a 'yes' vote give you leverage if any one complained about your bees, or give sanction to your possible intentions?
Would a 'no' vote be used as leverage against the other party?
Perhaps the other party is already a member of this forum, or you might hope the word gets back to him/her?
Whichever side we might come down on, other than the 'fence-sitters', it seems that we would be 'tarred with the same brush' as anyone who follows that practice, or possibly used in some already festering argument and would not be popular with one party or the other.
So not a 'fence-sitter', but not prepared to enter into a fight for or against you or the other party.
So, no comment from me other than you need to fight your own corner - and that may have pros and cons of which we are told nothing. There are usually two sides to any argument.