monday will be interesting

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Queen Bee
Oct 1, 2009
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London N10
Hive Type
well i have to work in tottenham on monday and Tuesday morning, looking at the burning bus it looks like the Riot is right outside the office
Wear a sky mask, you'll be fine !! :rolleyes:
yep another well handled well organised situation from the burks in blue.

the thing is most people outside of london would donate to keep the fires spreading, quite a lot of spreading actually,

the whole of london on fire, its just a shame so many go away to there country piles for the weekend.

was this the story that started a couple of days ago when someone was shot trying to shoot a policeman, it does make you would how stupid these people are. but then again we are talking londoners here,

lets have a riot because my mate walking through london with an illegaly owned fire arm taking pot shots at the police was shot back at???

is it me or do normal people not quite follow that
You could burn the whole of London down and the total cost would still be less than the public enquiry is going to be after the riots...

After that is finished we will then have the compo brigade waiding in saying how the nasty policemen made them feel intimidated when they were only rioting for their human rights.
well, just seen on BBC news that my office is totally wrecked but not torched, it is opposite the main building and carpet right furnitire store that is ablaze in most of sky's pictures

tottenahm high street before this was a thriving high street, it is a bustling local shopping centre

already working on relocation of the office to alternative accommodation near wood green, the damage at wood green is superficial, just looters taking advantage of lack of police and ransacked H&M,Primart, Boots and as few other stores, not really related to tottenam, easy to spot the looters ,arrest all those wearing new cloths

i dont need this, they have made me redundant and my 6 month notice expires in October
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Seems like some kind of tribal mentality takes over in some of these cities,people running around with sticks and stones. More like (deliverance style) hillbillies in the countryside....where's me banjo.
haves and Have nots,

every one of them wants something for free, an underclass of black and white families who have NEVER WORKED , the only workers being Polish immigrants

you can buy a 3 bed house in tottenham for £150k ,musellwell hill four miles away the same style house would cost over £700K
MH may well be 700k but i understand that similar bordering the MMetro go for substantially less due to the bee hazard!!!
yep, no sympathy here. they should have thrown the protesters into the burning buildings.

i totaly agree with non violent protest and freedom of speach, but i dont agree with the mob stupidity mentality.

we had to go on a course a few months back because were we were working was troubled!! by flash mobs, using twitter and face book etc

its known that a twitter organiser can raise 50 people in less than five mins, face book is slower but just as efficiant, the thing is the first we knew about any thing going on is when 120 people turned up and started chanting, did not help the security gaurd let the first five into site before locking the gates.

but as ever the innocent lose, the guilty get away with it
MH may well be 700k but i understand that similar bordering the MMetro go for substantially less due to the bee hazard!!!

SO YOU ARE IMPLYING I AM A BAD BEEKEEPER, well ,you are probably right which is why i keep my bees 15mins drive from my house and not in the garden,

I hope you are not tarring us in london with the same brush !!:sifone:

I see sauff London is again 24hrs behind the north of this magnificent glowing (literally) city

And for the others out there looking on, well it coming to a town near you as well :grouphug:

really nice of Terisa May to come back of hols to protect me, were is Cameroon ,Boris and the head of the Met police,

Kent police are patrolling North London tonight
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to all the retired officers -just remember "double bubble "
well did let us in till thursday

Monday was not interesting as they would not let us in the depot, see picture of our lorries in the main Tottenham depot

14 lorries total right off, two only a week old

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