New Bee
Hi I need help please. I had a lovely colony of bees this year and the queen was clipped. Unfortunately being a beginner I missed the point when they decided to swarm and only knew this when I found the queen on the floor outside the hive. An experienced beekeeper told me to put her back so I did, but the colony killed her. I was then queenless, and I knew this because I placed a frame of young larve in and they started making queen cells. I then did not have the opportunity to attend my apiary for 2 weeks. Yesterday I checked on this hive and still there is no queen, no eggs, no larve, no sign of a queen eventhough they made numerous queen cells from the frame of brood. Could this simply be mating flight, or is there the possibility that all the new queens killed each other, or something else?? just starting to panic as the colony has significantly reduced in size and want to make sure they have a queen ASAP. Sorry for the waffle any help appreciated