Mid spring check ups

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Well, after 100% making it through the winter, and after a cursory check, followed by a thorough inspection of all colonies on 15 April, the weather forecast turning colder made me think an inspection was on the cards....after all they were all doing well. Thinking back a few years, mild winters, low mortality and then a cold spell preceeded by a warm spell often brings with it swarming as the colony is over run with the new brood hatching....and just waiting for the warmth of a May day to swarm.....not what is on the plan !

So I changed my diary around (easier as I am the boss, but I will work Sat in case anyone thinks I'm shirking) and, after driving through rain, torrential rain, as soon as I got to within 2 miles of the apiary, the sun came out, and it warmed up nicely.

The apiary, while behind a locked gate and far from prying eyes, still gets passing railway workers, and with the electrification of the line going from strength to strength, there are currently 3 groups passing by to gain access to the railway....Network Rail, Amey, and a third contractor.....all of whom are the BIGGEST litterers known to man. Over the past 2 visits, I have filled an entire bin bag with food cartons, cans, foil, used food containers. An utter disgrace. Luckily I spotted 2 workers and they called their 'Gaffer' who was very amenable and he said he'd do his best, suggesting big bins and to cordon off the grass verge and wild flower areas to protect them.....fingers crossed he does this as I have his number now.....

Anyway, on to the bees...6 colonies to go through.......and it has to be said 4 out of the 6 were feisty...just the way I like them as it keeps said railway workers away....found early stage QC in 3 hives, split one, demareed another, and the 3rd I gave more room to and used a few frames to make up a nuc with some of the bees and QC from the first hive. The other 3 were growing steadily, and I clipped and marked 3 queens.

For the first time in a long time I was stung....once through the RH glove onto the back of the hand, and through 2 layers of cotton on the same forearm. Ouch. Yet the sting on my LH didn't even react. Strange how these things happen.

2 of my hives are new, bought 2 weeks ago from Dave in Epsom. They are on Paynes 14x12 Polys, and are doing well. One had a load of brace comb on one end, so that was cleared out and a fresh frame inserted. Beekeepers' Delight is my term for this sort of wild comb...full of fresh honey, mouth sized and a real treat when back home. The rest will be melted for wax.

More to follow.....happy beekeeping !

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