Microsoft's Internet Explorer

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Field Bee
Jul 16, 2013
Reaction score
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Number of Hives
3 Pay*es Poly Hives 7 Poly Nucs
IE upgraded on my computer sometime in November of last year. It has been a nightmare. Always hanging and not responding. Have to close it down and restart it every time I used it.
Same on both daughters computers and a friendis having the same issues with his compute.r
Is this a deliberate upgrade to make users migrate over to their latest creation ' Edge' ?
Installed Google Chrome three weeks ago and never had an issue since.
Installed Google Chrome three weeks ago and never had an issue since.

I haven't used IE since Win7 and there were issues with it before that. Microsoft have lost the plot.
Chrome has some problems too but on the whole I prefer chrome (especially the in-built translation tool)
When we gained issues on IE we went to Firefox and no problems at all.
When we gained issues on IE we went to Firefox and no problems at all.

I did that too. Firefox is great but it didn't have the translation tool I wanted. My sons both preferred Google Chrome, which they used at school. so I just installed it on all our laptops.
Google Chrome. And decent anti virus software and security...Windows Security in W10 is junk..

Stops/starts in IE Explorer can be anything from lack of memory, cache full , viruses, malware etc...

Basics first: run a scan for malware first.

If you have no Internet security system , you will be infected.

Google translate is essential in my view..
Google translate is essential in my view..

Doesn't do Cornish though!

Chrome is very good but not supported now on Vista or earlier. Doesn't seem to make any difference. Works well on w7 and 10. IE now feels very clunky.
Ethically Google, Microsoft and Mozilla are all tax dodging b*****s - sorry tax efficient companies. We should all use Midori or similar. Shame its rubbish really.

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