Beefriendly, you mean that the colony went up to tree to look and protect virgins mating.
Then they returned home.
IT is not exactly what mating researches tell about mating flights..
No I don't mean that Finman....my eyesight was not good enough to see if the virgin was still among them.
This behavior of an entourage of bees emerging with the virgin on the start of her mating flight has been described previously in several books. It's presumed she then flies off to DCA minus her entourage.
I've seen about 3 of these mating flight entourages and for reasons I don't understand they always seem to spend time buzzing about in tree tops and look like a swarm about to settle but then they return "home"....whether they await the return of their now mated queen is unknown by me at least.
It certainly doesn't happen on every virgins nuptial flight, just the occasional one.