Thatcher on the difficulties British bee farmers were facing, "we can get Mexican honey cheaper anyway!".
Says it all
Says it all
If we have learned anything this week in relation to the authorities (though here I am referring specifically to alas another example of a criminal element within the police), facts are only facts until they are proven to be lies.
I think you should get your saying right - having worked with Maggies thugs or the grunters AKA NDO's (Nuckle dragging oafs) on many occasions I can categorically tell you the saying is
'lies are only lies if you don't do a good job of falsifying your witness statement - or they find your second (or third) notebook'
I think you should get your saying right - having worked with Maggies thugs or the grunters AKA NDO's (Nuckle dragging oafs) on many occasions I can categorically tell you the saying is
'lies are only lies if you don't do a good job of falsifying your witness statement - or they find your second (or third) notebook'
Well ... I stopped short of saying what I really meant ... A former colleague was an ex-Metropolitan Policeman who was around in the days of the Krays ... he openly stated that he 'bought' very little and often received 'gifts'. He said that they 'knew who the villains were' and when they were arrested for a crime they were often 'fitted up' on the basis that 'they may not have been guilty of what they were arrested for but they were guilty of something else !'.
Well ... I stopped short of saying what I really meant ...
My best memory of that creature was her inability to answer the lady who dared question the handling of the Belgrano affair. It was plain to see exactly what she was right then, unable to silence this lady she began to raise her voice and talk down to her.
Just a gobby tory woman, nothing more.
This is quite refreshing! I never knew of anyone who liked the lady until now
The General Belgrano would have seriously interfered with the Royal Navy convoy, armed as it was. It's sinking by RN Submarine HMS Conqueror, not only ensured the safe arrival of the liberating forces, it also effectively bottled up the rest of the Argentine fleet, including their aircraft carrier, the Vienticino de Mayo, within their territorial waters, protecting our fleet fromthe exocet missiles carried by her planes.
If I'd have been in her shoes at the point of being berated by a person witn no sense of strategy or understanding of the situation, I would have reacted in a similar way.
You can be doubly refreshed....I liked her and her policies too. When you read the ranting lunacy that the 'much feted' Tony Benn trotted out at the time, is it any wonder she won 3 elections
You can be doubly refreshed....I liked her and her policies too. When you read the ranting lunacy that the 'much feted' Tony Benn trotted out at the time, is it any wonder she won 3 elections
You can be doubly refreshed....I liked her and her policies too. When you read the ranting lunacy that the 'much feted' Tony Benn trotted out at the time, is it any wonder she won 3 elections
Applauding an internationally illegal warmongering act that killed hundreds of unsuspecting sailors, then calling "If we can find the money to kill people, we can find the money to help people." ranting lunacy?!!!! Shame on you.
He was no lunatic.
Why have you altered the quote in your previous post to say originally posted by psafloyd?
I didn't ... but I can see what happened ... I quoted JBM but he had left the brackets off psa's original quote and it got caught in my reply ... I should have noticed but missed it !
Don't worry, I don't feel violated...
I think there should be a crime ...involuntary violation .... got a ring to it ???
That would be because it is cynghanedd groes, an ancient but still used form of word arrangement used in Welsh poetry. Top work, da iawn pargyle