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House Bee
Jul 16, 2009
Reaction score
Sutton, London
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Does anyone know where I could get MAQS in smaller quantities than the 10 hive box from P*****?

Cheers :)
if you're in a local assoc, maybe a few of you can share a box???
Where abouts are you in the UK?
Well, i think the jury's still out on this maqs thing anyway - heard reported somewhere there is a high incidence of queen mortality

There was a thread on this recently. The guy who ran the article saying it had high mortality (Randy Oliver?) later ran another article saying he'd been mistaken, and this was down to other problems in the sample hives.

I used it recently, and found it killed around 50 drones, this colony was used as my queen rearing ones. So can't say about the impact to queens, will be testing on my guinea pig hive later today. As I have new queens due to hatch next week. They seemed upset for the first day, and then just calmed down.
Varroa treatment... Using Formic Acid renders the drones dry and impotent.