MAQS Strips

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New Bee
May 10, 2013
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Hive Type
I am about to use MAQS strips to treat my hives. The instructions say "Colonies require adequate access to fresh air during treatment. An entrance must be provided that is the full width of the hive, typically the bottom board entrance. The bottom hive entrance needs to be fully open".

I normally use a restricted entrance with a mesh floor which is open underneath. Is there any benefit to removing the entrance block?
I would have thought that an open floor would be sufficient.
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Will be updating my post on using MAQS shortly.......would just say be prepared for the 'BANG' and don't panic.

Open mesh floor should be my experience I had to reduce down the entrance even on my biggest hive...double BB 14 x 12 as in the first few days the bees were quite subdued, clearing bodies etc and the wasps were hitting the hives.

Three hives did stop laying, no larvae when checked and on removing the strips, the queens were back laying as each hive had eggs and there is so much pollen going in now.
Will be updating my post on using MAQS shortly.......would just say be prepared for the 'BANG' and don't panic.

Open mesh floor should be my experience I had to reduce down the entrance even on my biggest hive...double BB 14 x 12 as in the first few days the bees were quite subdued, clearing bodies etc and the wasps were hitting the hives.

Three hives did stop laying, no larvae when checked and on removing the strips, the queens were back laying as each hive had eggs and there is so much pollen going in now.

What is the BANG?
In my world, 'don't panic' is a trigger to do just that!
I used MAQS this season with great success I'll be using them again. I had a colony what has a mite explosion used MAQS and they wiped it out, you could see lines of mites on the inspection board - great stuff.