Manchester Cathedral

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victor meldrew

Queen Bee
Nov 10, 2008
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Respect is often a word bandied about as street talk.
Not much respect shown by the mindless/ greedy / selfish individual who smashed the stained glass window at Manchester Cathedral
I hope it isn't anything more sinister than attempted theft or sheer vandalism !
I hate to see beautiful stained glass having to be covered in anti vandal material!
I suppose there is an upside Dusty, in that people have to actually enter the building in order to appreciate the beauty ?

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There are some nasty people about. :(

If there's a collection of some sort, to repair it, maybe we could help a bit?
Respect is often a word bandied about as street talk.

The true meaning of 'respect' has been lost in street language ... I'm getting old and I'm afraid that the behaviour of some young and not so young people is beginning to grate on me. Don't get me wrong - I don't tar everyone with the same brush and I don't judge people on appearances but there is an element of society that could only be described as mutants ....

I include the a...hole who leaned out of his car in the Aldi car park on saturday and proceeded to empty his car ash tray and the various contents of his car door pocket onto the ground - sweet wrappers, drink can and bits of trash. I asked him who he thought was going to clear it up and the response 'F... Off what's it got to do with you' and off he drove at a speed that really was not safe for a busy supermarket car park. Is it me ?
The true meaning of 'respect' has been lost in street language ... I'm getting old and I'm afraid that the behaviour of some young and not so young people is beginning to grate on me. Don't get me wrong - I don't tar everyone with the same brush and I don't judge people on appearances but there is an element of society that could only be described as mutants ....

I include the a...hole who leaned out of his car in the Aldi car park on saturday and proceeded to empty his car ash tray and the various contents of his car door pocket onto the ground - sweet wrappers, drink can and bits of trash. I asked him who he thought was going to clear it up and the response 'F... Off what's it got to do with you' and off he drove at a speed that really was not safe for a busy supermarket car park. Is it me ?

I think it's probably OK in an Aldi carpark, but absolutely not cricket in Waitrose's.

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Hi all,

Thank you, VM, for posting this - and to you and all for your kind thoughts.
Decent set of people, on the Forum.

I was abroad until last night - so I didn't know of it.

This is sad indeed. Sounds like someone trying to get in whilst the Cathedral is closed for major repairs.

Luckily, this was not one of our beautiful windows. I understand we had a 'full complement' of stained glass, until Goering's lads blew them all out. We now have just a few stained glass windows; this was one of the post-war replacements, of a green glass no longer made - so when it's replaced it will look odd.

Indeed, where this sad person tried to get in, is called the "Regimental Chapel" - and had to be rebuilt from scratch after being bombed. It is a stunningly beautiful Chapel, in its warm starkness, as a place to honour those who have served inthe forces, many having lost their lives. So, in the East End of that Chapel, we have the "Fire Window", which recalls the fires in Manchester during the Blitz. It is staggeringly beautiful - especially when the sun shines through it. Thanks God it wasn't that one!

[You can see it by going to: - and clicking on the part called, "St. John Baptist's Chapel"]

Of course, we also had the dust shaken off the rafters by the IRA in the 90's. Rumour has it that the roof lifted by a couple of inches then settled back down in place. That could be an urban myth!

Being born, bred and buttered in this diocese, I have a great love of our cathedral. It's rather dark and squat - not pretty-pretty like Salisbury or Winchester. But it has a down-to-earth honesty to it - a working Cathedral in the world's first industrial city. And that is reflected in its strong social conscience and engagement with the city.

Sad that some pillock had such disrespect for a sacred space. Still - it's only a window. No-one was hurt; more importantly the bees were unharmed! And the community will take it in its stride.

Thanks, guys and gals. I appreciate your thoughts.

Hi all,

Of course, we also had the dust shaken off the rafters by the IRA in the 90's. Rumour has it that the roof lifted by a couple of inches then settled back down in place. That could be an urban myth!

Sad times - my company had just finished decorating all the ceilings in the Arndale Centre when the IRA blew it to pieces ... there were some that said it was probably the best thing to happen to the Arndale Centre - fortunately, no fatalities but 100's of people hurt.
There are some nasty people about. :(

If there's a collection of some sort, to repair it, maybe we could help a bit?

If you look at Dusty's link, there's an option to donate. Top left, in yellow.
C'mon, guys...
If you look at Dusty's link, there's an option to donate. Top left, in yellow.
C'mon, guys...

It would be a very generous act, if anyone decided to help out in this way.

There's not a lot of spare moolah out there - and plenty of really deserving causes.

Thanks for all your goodwill.


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