Queen Bee
... we only got given the hive about 6 weeks ago so could not do it any quicker (was in an inaccessable area).
But the strips were not temp dependant, luckily.
The strips aren't but the bees are.
The strips depend on the bees being active - not clustered - during the period of application.
Because they rely on the bees to spread the stuff all round the hive.
So the method is temperature-dependant.
And thus its too late in the year for anyone in the UK to stick them in now, for example.
Exposing bees and thus mites to a low dose of the varroacide is what builds a resistant mite population. And one would give a low dose by using the stuff too late (when its cold and the bees are inactive) or for too long (leaving the strips in when they have become weak).