Hi Guys
I'll try and answer the comments you've given, there not excuses by the way, I know they're aren't any for whats happened. I know you guys are passionate about the bees and probably see a lot of newbees making stupid mistakes, but I could of kept quiet and now this has been spotted it may help it not happen again. I will take some pics of the floor, going to modify it later today. Maybe we could have a sticky post made on Varroa floor designs?
I do go and look at the hives as often as I can, by that I mean crouching and watching them come and go, they are in a out apiary, so I don't get to see them everyday, obviously I didn't notice them flying in and out of this hive, the entrance doesn't face the path to the hives, as hive 1 does or I would have done something about it, but to be fair I didn't realise the floor design would lock them in or I would have left it how it was or modified it before using it, I know this has made me look a numpty but I'm not stupid.
Even with the entrance being blocked there would be air flow through because the brick base has a 3 inch gap down the middle and the rear of the floor is open for the screen to slide in.
What would be signs of disentry? would that be the same as Nosema? ie. poo all over the outside of the BB box?
I Agree you do get what you pay for and I now know I should have thought about it a bit more first.