Lost 13kg in less than a week

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Why does everyone get so uptight? Surely this is supposed to be a forum to exchange advice and opinion on beekeeping....

Maybe I've got neat and tidy bees but since changing to aligning the frames parallel to the entrance I've never found more than 2lbs difference between either side so stopped bothering.

When they were aligned 'fore and aft' there was a huge difference between the weight of either side......the (lighter) brood tended to be on the S side.

I still 'heft' from the back - but that's just noticing the change from last time.

Some of us got beaten into how to take readings properly at school, and again at Uni so old heavily reinforced habits die hard.

Which for our hives was lucky cos in insulated hives the bees do snuggle up to one side and the stores weight change is tiny. We eventually gave up on the luggage strap scale as the spread of readings was too large for our stores safety margin.
Anyway a hook on the side is usually a good enough place to use as a lifting point.
Hook is no good for poly hive, though it`s subject to design probably.
You do realise, of course, that the gravitational field strength will be differentbon your planet?
My arguments do not get lighter because of that I hope :)
Ok, I get it. I was not weighing the hives in a sensible way. I will do an experiment later today.

I'll fill a suitcase with bricks (unevenly). I'll weigh when lifting one end half off the ground (a) then do the same at the other end (b), then I'll lift it off the ground completely (c). I'll let you know if a+b = c :)

OK so I used a piano stool unevenly filled with books but it worked, a+b=c

Next: how to calculate the speed of light?
Next: how to calculate the speed of light?

Not that difficult, actually. I think it was Michelson(sp) that managed it with equipment in a single room. I have done it before now, as an experiment.

You do realise, of course, that there is absolutely no reason for measuring the speed of light these days? It has had a fixed value (in vaccuo) assigned for some years, now. It is used as the basis for fixing other physical constants which are thus identical for all those, using same, within science.

the closer to the center of the hive your strap is( if you use them), the heavier weight of side you`ll get as the gear gets shorter.

I think that may need some further explanation. There is only one sensible place to lift if it is the side and not the middle - the side? Or perhaps it is different up Uranus way? I don't personally expect the weight to decrease by using a 'shorter gear' - a shorter strap attached to the lifting point would presumably have less mass than a longer one? Anyway a hook on the side is usually a good enough place to use as a lifting point. You do realise, of course, that the gravitational field strength will be differentbon your planet?

Next: how to calculate the speed of light?
Speed of light depends on environment. In sodium ( at example) it`s equal to speed of a bisyclist :) :ot:
Meanwhile hire is my fresh results of weighing… with some retrospective.
The honey BB that I mentioned above was 20,1 kilo on 02.10. Then the rain and cold has come. It was cold and rainy today also, so the bees did not bring any nectar in the morning, I suppose. The new weight is 18.85 kilo. 4 middle frames are cupped for about 30-40 % and I want to leave the box on for another week or so. In another colony I`ve made an exchange on 2.10, setting super with syrup/honey on the floor, and putting BB with 6 frames of brood on top of it. Weight of syrup/honey super was 17,9 kilo on 2.10, and 17.7 – today on 06.10 – just the bees went up I presume . Why the weight has been changed in one instance, and hasn’t in the other? : in the first example bees brought nectar only(of a low viscosity I presume), while the other hive was fed with a thick 2:1 syrup and bees filled in the box with a brood after the exchange. :)
I also have another interesting story of today`s inspection, but it`s a subject for another thread. ;)
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These posts from BeeBeeKa are difficult to interpret. Where's Finman when you need him?
Nope. I`ll provide some more facts and figures relevant to the topic as I`ll get them. Just need some more time ... bee-smillie

Well, I see that it has made a rapid improvement to your English grammar. You've now included some 'clipping' in your sentences.
Well done.:unionsmilie:
New Results:
The honey BB weighed 20,1 kilo on 2.10.14, and then – 18,85 kilo on 6.10, weighed 19.45 kilo on 13.10.14. These data cannot represent an actual honey flow (or loss) of a given colony due to many reasons. The only reason I collect it is : I want to know – when it`s time to take this super off. Despite the slight reduction of weight in comparison with data from 2.10., there is a significant progress re. quality of the nectar. There were almost no cuppings on honey on 2.10, then there were a few frames cupped for about 30-40% on 6.10., and now there is 2 frames cupped for 75-80%, 1-for 40%, and a few for 30% again. This results would be better, but I transferred 3 frames of brood from this hive into the weak one( within a few weeks) and replaced them with low filled nectar frames, so that the bees had to fill them also( and still have to, a bit). The relatively mild weather gives me a chance to finally get 2 frames of honey cupped this my first and very late season.
The syrup super that I placed underneath of 6 frames BB weighed 16.1 kilo on 13.10.It`s a 1,6 kilo loss a week. I do not think it`s been consumed though. It`s rather been transferred up in BB, but to state it for sure I had to weigh the BB also, that I did not :(
So here we are :seeya:
Here on earth, we normally refer to "Capping" on honey, obviously different on Mars...

Interesting weights Info too
Hi again. As the weather getting worse, I`ve decided to stop honey harvest today and withdrawn 2 honey supers (bb in fact) out of 2 hives. Believe it or not, but I would continue harvesting if there was no need to treat bees for varroa with thymol. Bees brought plenty of Ivy pollen so far If weather was warm enough. Sure, somebody could mention Oxalic or any other winter treatment as an option, in order to not break my crazy passion to harvest so late :) , but I have no other remedies yet, and I`ve got plenty of thymol from Italy. Besides, thymol seems to me the pretty soft and, simultaneously, effective solution, so I`ll stick to that this year (at least), if no other need arise.
Back to facts and figures :) The BB that weighed 19.45 kilo on 13.10.14. weighed 21.5 kilo today. 2 kilo surplus per a week is not so great, I presume. But taking in account weather, time of the year, and all those factors mentioned before,… at least it`s surplus, not sur…minus :)
Only 4 frames were cupped to the level satisfying my shy demand :) : for about 50,75,85 and 90 %; weighing 2.55, 2.75, 2.75 and 2.75 kilo accordingly. So It`s more than 10 kilo of frames comb altogether, that could be extracted If I have an extractor… but I don`t :(
So here we are :)

It`s all Ivy honey. And I enjoy it`s taste very much, despite all that criticism that I heard about it in this forum. So my advice to you, guys and lads :) : sell it to the eastern countries, where people enjoy … spicy things :)
The rest of uncapped honey will go to the bees. The interesting thing is: the vast majority of the honey is not crystallized yet (If you can see it on those pictures)… I definitely need to buy extractor :)
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Late to be treating with thymol. What happened to that queen cell you found by the way?
There is a lot of details about how my treatment goes in this thread: http://www.beekeepingforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=447620#post447620
As to Q cell, she hasn’t hatched :(
I did many mistakes dealing with it as I had no xp at all, and I do not have any books about how to deal with mininukes. The only thing I know for sure is that it was a real Q-cell, as bees know for 100% how to distinguish dron egg from the female one. So they build a certain type of the cell in accordance with this knowledge. :seeya:

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