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Drone Bee
Nov 10, 2014
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Does anyone else have problems loading pictures & videos onto this forum? I cant upload pics untill they are cropped to a size ruining the effect of the picture & videos, well theres no chance ?
Can you give some more info,how big are the pics and what format are they ?
I have to say all I can get is the thumbnail type ones, I used to be able to put the proper picture on the message but it converts it to the thumbnail type one now that you have to click on to see it better. Some manage to do it though!
Does anyone else have problems loading pictures & videos onto this forum? I cant upload pics untill they are cropped to a size ruining the effect of the picture & videos, well theres no chance ?

Only from my phone. One photo will load no problem and the next requires the smallest crop to allow it.
I gave up trying after being told mine were too big.
As a simple crop and resize tool I think Irfanview is ideal for most Windows users. Fire up, edit and save in less time than it takes to start Photoshop.

A generic problem with increasing pixel count on everything from phones to compact cameras is that nearly all images are far larger than they need to be.
there are three different ways of reducing filesize for an image, which will give quite different image results for an equal end filesize.

1) cropping.
the resolution and compression are preserved, the image view is reduced.

2) reducing the resolution
changing an image from 300 dpi to 200 or 100 dpi for online use will not noticeably degrade the image as computer screens have a much lower resolution than that required for photo prints.

3) increasing the compression
formats such as jpeg have variable internal compression ratios.
you can increase the compression a fair amount without affecting picture quality that much.

often a small tweak on each of the above factors will produce a better result than just using one alone.

You can save a lot of effort (if you anticipate publishing the photos) by setting your camera / smartphone to take photos with lower resolution / higher compression to start with.
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there are three different ways of reducing filesize for an image, which will give quite different image results for an equal end filesize.

1) cropping.
the resolution and compression are preserved, the image view is reduced.

2) reducing the resolution
changing an image from 300 dpi to 200 or 100 dpi for online use will not noticeably degrade the image as computer screens have a much lower resolution than that required for photo prints.

3) increasing the compression
formats such as jpeg have variable internal compression ratios.
you can increase the compression a fair amount without affecting picture quality that much.

often a small tweak on each of the above factors will produce a better result than just using one alone.

You can save a lot of effort (if you anticipate publishing the photos) by setting your camera / smartphone to take photos with lower resolution / higher compression to start with.

Groan, that all sounds complicated.
I can take pics on my phone & have to crop them & they usually go on, i take pics with a nikon D3300 & even after cropping they wont go on. I took 10 seconds of video on my phone & couldnt put that on, it just wouldnt load.
I guess i'll have to open a flickr account. & just post links to pictures, i thought it would be a better option for people just to look at a pic straight away rather than opening links, especially when viewing on a phone like most of us do these days?
Use "Photobucket"

You upload pics to it and copy IMG link from there into your post.
Pics then come up full size.
What happens if you try to upload pictures to your forum photo album, rather than insert them into a comment?
To be honest I wouldn't bother posting pictures here as over time they vanish, we had a nice library of pollen photos last year but most have gone. Post a link would be better
If you put pics on using Photobucket or one of the other hosts, they stay here until the pic is removed from the host site,
I have and I know it works, but I don't know if jonnybeegood has tried uploading that way, and storing the images on here, or whether it's from a computer or an imaging site.

I normally just try to upload them straight onto a post either from my phone or computer, depending what I had took the photos on. I haven't tried to upload into an album, to be honest I didn't know you could, I find a few things tricky on here compared to other forums ive used, I guess I need to spend some time working things out but I just don't have the time. :-(

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