Lizards up on the hills.

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Curly green finger's

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Jul 30, 2019
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Afternoon, on a few occasions I've seen lizards around the hill sunning near concrete pillars ( old quarry ruins) and near hives.
I've never been able to grab a photo as they have usually been scared of untill a few days ago.
I've seen black lizards smaller than the one in the photo, and ideas what type the black ones could be and the one in the photo.
CGF IMG_20220327_131057.jpgIMG_20220327_131419.jpgIMG_20220327_131116.jpg
Common Lizard. Used to see them at Glyncornel archery centre.
I was privileged to see one in my garden two years ago, couldn't believe it. Nice pics, moments like this are what life is all about.
Do you remember Jan (Yan) Kravachinsky, he was a member of Glyncornel Archery Club for many years.. Knew him for 40+ years and I still can't spell his surname..
We had a different species of lizard the other day, only a little one:
I love slow worms :love:.
Thanks Steve and will common lizard it is, what about the black ones I've seen.??
Thr lizard in the photo didn't seem interested in the bees.
Nope, they never try to get in they just enjoy the heat under the roof. They have even been known to stay on the crown board while I remove it, inspect and replace it!
Makes me like them even more.
Do you remember Jan (Yan) Kravachinsky, he was a member of Glyncornel Archery Club for many years.. Knew him for 40+ years and I still can't spell his surname..
Name doesn't sound familiar Bryan, perhaps he was before my time. Glyn Rudd was the oldest member I can think of when I was shooting.
What a fantastic place though, apart from the midges. I can still feel them crawling all over my face while waiting (longing) for the whistle to start shooting.
Does it make me a bad person that we used to shoot lizards and feed them to the snakes as kids.
get some lizards at the range apiary, I suppose the exposed rock from the old quarry acts as a storage heater so they get plenty of warmth in the area. Same as the graveyard around the old Bethel, it's a big burial ground, South facing and gets the full sun from dawn until dusk. You will oftem see lizards, adders and slow worms there sunbathing on the gravestones. When I was a kid the area behind the cemetery was open heathland which had been burnt/cleared right back and we used to have hours of fun hunting slow worms under rocks and bits of scrap rubbish that people would dump there. We always let them all go at the end of the 'hunt' we just liked finding them.

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