Letters to Criminals.

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May 29, 2010
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3 National Hives & 1 Observation Hive.(Indoors) & lots of empty boxes..
The police/government sent letters to several people saying that they are no longer a wanted criminal.................

er.....just how "wanted" were these people if the police knew where they lived and sent them letters?
The police/government sent letters to several people saying that they are no longer a wanted criminal.................

er.....just how "wanted" were these people if the police knew where they lived and sent them letters?

Don't start me !!!!!!

A lot of them had to collect the letters at the police station. No justice in this part of the UK. Absolute disgrace! Done behind the backs of the people and their politicians. Secret deals with terrorists to provide a "get out of jail free card" We don't call him Tony b Liar for nothing

They call them "on the runs". It has come out through the Downey case that their solicitor at the time was Bara McGrory who is now the Director of Public Procecutions! Where would you get it? Might as well live in a banana republic. Also he was appointed DPP by the NI Attorney General, Larkin QC who used to be Gerry Adam's barrister (and a lot of ther I R A men's). Total breakdown of justice
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OH, and

Harriet Harman, Jack Dromey and Patricia Hewitt supporting Child sex pervs!!



It's a bitter pill to swallow but the alternative was to carry on as normal and if we had gone down that road I just wonder how many more people would have been killed.
It's a bitter pill to swallow but the alternative was to carry on as normal and if we had gone down that road I just wonder how many more people would have been killed.

So tell us all exactly, how many people were blown up in Middlesex then???
Plenty in London and of course Warrington! Manchester centre had to be rebuilt!

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Way to much blood spilt vm and we know that all the wounds are far from healed, but children are growing up without fear or seeing terrible things and that can only be a good thing. For me long may it continue.
Don't start me !!!!!!

A lot of them had to collect the letters at the police station. No justice in this part of the UK. Absolute disgrace! Done behind the backs of the people and their politicians. Secret deals with terrorists to provide a "get out of jail free card" We don't call him Tony b Liar for nothing

They call them "on the runs". It has come out through the Downey case that their solicitor at the time was Bara McGrory who is now the Director of Public Procecutions! Where would you get it? Might as well live in a banana republic. Also he was appointed DPP by the NI Attorney General, Larkin QC who used to be Gerry Adam's barrister (and a lot of ther I R A men's). Total breakdown of justice

But let's not forget all those soldiers, policemen and criminals of all hues who haven't received letters, nor even been investigated properly over the past forty years...
Well we had a choice: Either build a wall and have a Cyprus split, have continuing warfare or have a peace process.

Peace involves often nasty compromises...the "muddle through" scenario. See Iraq and Ukraine where "muddle through" does not exist and "compromise" is a dirty word.
Well we had a choice: Either build a wall and have a Cyprus split, have continuing warfare or have a peace process.

Peace involves often nasty compromises...the "muddle through" scenario. See Iraq and Ukraine where "muddle through" does not exist and "compromise" is a dirty word.

Yeah, that was called the Belfast (or Good Friday) Agreement. Hard to swallow, but a nasty list of compromises, resulting in release from prison of some of the worst offenders these Isles have seen (one guy was sentenced to 490 years for mass murder and only served 1 year) Also resulting in a forced coalition government that would not be accepted anywhere else in the democratic world - no opposition, everyone gets a job. Another nasty compromise. All these put before the electorate and voted on. Nasty compromises, but put to the people to vote on.

These "get out of jail free" cards were a dirty deal down behind the backs of the people and done in secret by Tony Blair and the IRA godfathers. No due process of law, no exposure to the people or their representatives, just a bad faith shady deal done to give secret amnesty to some of their top operatives. One of them (I can't name him here for legal reasons but not too hard to find on www if interested) boasts about murdering 36 people! The Royal perogative was used in some cases, they were that bad.

This isn't about compromise, it is about dirty deals with mass murderers
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There was wrong on all sides it is time to get on with it, this could be the best wee county in the world/ is
I have virtually no understanding of what went on before but I'm just glad that I don't have fears of being blown up by anyone.

Surely we must be doing something right!

If going after justice for 1,000 families means that justice will become necessary for 50,000 families is there any sense in going after them, despite all they've done?

Surely the core of the thread is that either;
due to the ineptitude/bungling of the police or the duplicity of politicians,
there is little chance of convicting the perpetrators or they have a support element (of voting age) that could swing a "close" election!

Also (re my earlier comment), someone's in court this morning.
Just wonder if they'll be let off with a slapped wrist then another substantial compensation settlement for victimisation, (while "on holiday" in a war-zone)!
I point you to Mandela and South Africa.

All the potential for a post apartheid bloodbath.. None happened...

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