Bee Bumble
House Bee
Last year, when my bees arrived on national brood frames I intended to let the girls build drone comb, which I would cull and later move the old frames to the outside for replacement with 14x12's. I gave them 6 new 14x12 frames/foundation. However, they only managed to partially draw out 2 of the 14x12's by September and built 'natural comb' all around the original 5 frames. Most underneath was worker brood, so I did not cull them and they are still there. What is the best way to go forward please?
Should I just remove them all regardless of where the brood is at the first opportunity, swap them one by one as the frames empty,or move them to the supers (double) and put new foundation and any drawn empty frames below a queen excluder?
Is there a better option? Thanks in advance for any replies
Should I just remove them all regardless of where the brood is at the first opportunity, swap them one by one as the frames empty,or move them to the supers (double) and put new foundation and any drawn empty frames below a queen excluder?
Is there a better option? Thanks in advance for any replies