Update post hive inspection
Hi Folks,
Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone for their input. Whether it ended up correct or not I'm very grateful for sharing your experience.
I have just got back from today's hive inspection. Photos of this can be seen here:
I have given up trying to use this forum's photo uploading function - am I the only one that thinks this needs attention?
Anyway, I started by inspecting the super, where there were what appeared to be randomly placed drone cells, some capped some not, surrounded entirely by honey and it was this issue that was the motivation for this thread.
There were 16 of these cells in total, and were only located in the central 3 super frames. I decided to use the end of a long matchstick to empty these cells be they sealed or not.
When I moved onto inspect the brood box, I took particular care to look for queen cells (which Beeno suggested he saw on my photo). The cells in question I thought were not long enough but I opened them up with a matchstick anyway and I am very relieved to say that they were completely empty and bone dry- one of them was actually open at the bottom.
there were no other suspect QCs anywhere in the brood box, just quite a lot of hanging brood (not sure if this is the correct term) from the bottom of the frames, all of which looked like drone cells but this could just be the way they look when they are not based on foundation.
I decided to make another thread for this as it wasn't strictly related to the cells in the supers. Some of you have kindly commented on both threads. There was mixed opinion on whether I should get rid of these hanging cells but in the end I decided to get rid of it. It felt pretty weird (wrong) cutting off all this brood in various stages of development but hopefully it's for the best.
For those that were concerned that the queen had gone,
I can (thankfully) say that the queen is still there, safe and sound. This time I made sure she was below the excluder- even though I suspect the cells in the supers were from laying workers.
Anyway... that's all really. I'm really relieved that they weren't QC and it hasn't swarmed.
Thanks again for your advice.