Just what IS IN your Honey?

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Anybody tasted honey with a high ivy content .
My honey came in during an ivy flow, the smell is virtually non existent but it has a sharp taste but very sweet , (hit's the throat like a cough bottle ?)
Balsam was at a premium at the same time .
The honey is particularly viscous with no sign of granulation.

John Wilkinson (maybe I should store it for a couple of years ?

I had to take of a small amount of brace comb with Ivy honey in it. Tried it and cannot stand it. Reminds me a bit like 'Wintergreen'. Then a friend tried it and absolutely loved it. They kept it.
I had to take of a small amount of brace comb with Ivy honey in it. Tried it and cannot stand it. Reminds me a bit like 'Wintergreen'. Then a friend tried it and absolutely loved it. They kept it.
This stuff is very sweet ,it very light in colour no signs of granulation (not even insipid granulation) a customer of mine said his mother said "This is the best honey I have ever tasted" and promptly bought 8 jars , he was back for more 2 days later.

John W.
Got to pick you up on that one, pick any homeopathic remedy off the shelf at the chem..ahem, witch emporium, and find ANYTHING other than water (with a memory of course) and I will buy you a pint!

A phisicist ( who also believed in homeopathic treatments) explained to me that although diluted to the 'n'th degree, the homeopathic reamedies had water that contained electrons with a particular wobble, not found in normal water.

Who knows... I believe in a hollistic approach to everything, as all things have an interconectiveness.

Bees are holistic beasts, but some Beekeepers seem to be reductionists.

So therfore, what is purity?