Just starting up in Sheffield

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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New Bee
Jun 5, 2019
Reaction score
Hive Type
Hello all,

I'm new to the forum but have done a lot of reading around the subject of beekeeping. I have wanted to keep bees for a long time and this year I have gone ahead, done a beekeeping course and bought a hive! So excited but would be lying if I said I wasn't a little anxious too.

So over the next week I'll be the the garage assembling the hive, making up the frames and foundation then I can start thinking about introducing my first colony!

I can't wait :)
Good luck and welcome, take a photo of your finished product. It will never be that pristine again!
Hello and welcome

Where in Sheffield
Thank you for the welcome :)

I plan on taking lots of photos.. partly because if I manage to assemble it without losing any fingers I'll be pretty proud of myself! Knowledge of woodworking seems to go a long way in this hobby.

I'm lucky to have a couple of friends and family members who are curious about beekeeping and seem keen to get involved as well.

Iann I'm based in North Sheffield.
Dragon in law lives in Stannington.

Used to keep a load of hives up near Dungworth many moons ago. Good all year forage up there and heather further up near the reservoir. Bit exposed though.
Hi Apimama, welcome aboard.

If I can offer you two nuggets of wisdom as a newbie, I would say

1. Make sure you have a protective suit that you feel confident in
2. Don't forget to temper your training and research with instinct. You'll come to know your bees better than anyone on these forums, and while there are a few very wise old hermits here none of them will know your bees as you do.

Good luck and have fun
Thanks beagle :) I'm looking forward to getting more hands on experience. Reading and researching is useful but no substitute for actually doing!

Iann I am originally from Stannington and parents still live there. Still not far away- in Norwood area now. I can imagine forage being great around Dungworth area.
Hi Apimama,
I started 3 years ago, I love it, so much to learn & think about, we have 7 hives now and our flower garden is just full of bees.
I hope all goes well for you.
You are in a nice part of our country, my daughter lives out in Bradwell, soon to move to Tideswell, so we come up your way quite a bit.
I joined an association and did a course, which was good, but this forum has given me so much good advice, it is a good move you joining.
Good luck with making up the kit & getting started.

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