June gap

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Queen Bee
Feb 16, 2010
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bestest wales
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As per title, June gap has started with a bang in the teifi valley, hawthorn has gone over and robbing pressure is intense. Earliest I've recorded it.
Yes, May gap! It's been like that for a while here, not helped by practically zero rainfall this month. Booming colonies are very busy all day, but are eating their way through boxes I planned to harvest.
As per title, June gap has started with a bang in the teifi valley, hawthorn has gone over and robbing pressure is intense. Earliest I've recorded it.

Yes clover and bramble are still Two, three weeks away But we need a little rain to give them a chance of a tidy flow.
Yes clover and bramble are still Two, three weeks away But we need a little rain to give them a chance of a tidy flow.

First brambles to flower will pop in the next few days by my estimation
We only get a proper gap around me if it’s caused by poor weather and that’s normally in late may not June. Certainly on yesterday’s inspections there was very little nectar falling out the frames, but the bees are certainly not consuming the stores they have. There’s still some hawthorn and acacia is flowering. Brambles have just started and with next weeks forecast good weather it should be more than enough. In my area the main flow really kicks into gear mid June with the lime and main flush of bramble. In most of my spots this is followed by sweet chestnuts into mid/late July. Heather starts end of first week in August till the end of the month. Ian
We only get a proper gap around me if it’s caused by poor weather and that’s normally in late may not June. Certainly on yesterday’s inspections there was very little nectar falling out the frames, but the bees are certainly not consuming the stores they have. There’s still some hawthorn and acacia is flowering. Brambles have just started and with next weeks forecast good weather it should be more than enough. In my area the main flow really kicks into gear mid June with the lime and main flush of bramble. In most of my spots this is followed by sweet chestnuts into mid/late July. Heather starts end of first week in August till the end of the month. Ian
There's no real gap here, the hawthorn is still out though going/gone over, sycamore had an off year so hasn't featured much, and brambles about to open.
"June gap" refers to that lack of shake in my mind, it's a window of opportunity to harvest the spring honey without fresh nectar, though can pose issues if it's a protracted period without significant nectar coming in.
We have seen brambles in flower already and some white clover, but it is very dry. Most of the farmer's have scalped their fields and are cursing the lack of rain.

I had my eye on some supers of spring honey but they are getting eaten, and I have had to feed 3 colonies.

On the plus side it looks very favourable for 3 virgin queens to go on mating flights and I have a load of nucs and mating nucs to make up this weekend.
I think the gap lasted about a week here - been a bit concerned about some colonies after last week's inspections - put a frame of stores on a few home hives Monday although the odd bramble flower was on the point of popping.
Went up the Cstle yesterday with stores destined for three or four hives earmarked as being a bit light so be met with a profusion on bramble flowers, all hives stores laden and two needing supers.
Last night's rain sorted the whole issue with brambles open everywhere I look now.
Yes clover and bramble are still Two, three weeks away But we need a little rain to give them a chance of a tidy flow.

Bramble and clover out already here 6wks early so June gap this year is last week in May gap. Done and dusted with no feeding
We've had rain all day today .. not heavy just consistent .. water butt already half full and the pond, which was looking very low, is coming back up. Bees have still been flying .. there's loads of stuff around they are finding. The laurels in my garden and the pyracantha hedge are both in full bloom and covered in bees .. the brambles have just come out and the lavender is in flower and attracting interest. The rain will boost the nectar levels so I'm not expecting that there's going to be much of a June gap here. My summer rasberries are now all set with fruit but I've got Autumn fruiting ones that should not be blooming until August already showing flower buds ...

All very weird again ...
Certainly in a gap here with the brambles still budding up. It's been so dry that raspberries have flowered but the fruits are tiny and my concern was the brambles would be the same. Today we've had light rain off and on through the day which should help.
The bees were a little crabby yesterday - one went for me and I parried it with a small book and knocked it straight into a spider web - I was pleased to see it struggle out and fly off as the spider ran towards it.
That'll teach it! :nopity: