Is supermarket honey not real honey then?

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Much of the blame for obesity must be laid at the door of Coca Cola and the like. The drink and the problem hit the US a generation or two before it hit the UK. It's conditioned children to like their drinks sweet. American beer and wine and Starbucks coffee are all much sweeter than their European equivalents, and to me are unpalatable. But younger folk think the sweetness is attractive and normal.
The problem here is privatised health requires a constant stream of very sick people.
The US obliges and then some.
I have been to the US and everything has high fructose corn syrup in it.
The portions every where are enormous, I remember asking for a small portion of rice and some sauce.
I was given enough rice for four people and the sauce was in fact a thick laden stew.
A takeaway burrito was the thickness of my thigh !
A national health system requires the exact opposite of what the US has.