Is it time to harvest the honey in the UK?

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I am in Manchester, UK. Is it time to harvest honey and start the winter preparation?
I'm not too far away in Glossop, I've taken about half off so far and about to harvest the rest. However there is a lot of himalayan balsam in flower still, so may be more coming in, and likely followed by ivy which I'll leave on.
I am in Manchester, UK. Is it time to harvest honey and start the winter preparation?
This is too broad a question. We need more information. What are the colonies like? How much honey is there in supers and broods? By winter prep do you mean treating for varroa and feeding if necessary?
Just 30 miles away in Stoke on Trent. Have extracted all honey by second week August - roughly 0.25tonnes - and sold most of it.. Anti varroa treatment on and hives prepared for winter - which from the forecasts starts next week :devilish:

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