It was a pleasant 15 degrees here on Saturday, and as I saw a number of bees returning to the hive with pollen I thought I'd whisk off the super and have a look in the brood box.
I was really surprised by the number of bees present, my limited reading had led me to believe that the colony would reduce significantly over the winter months. I think there are probably more bees now than in the Autumn, there's certainly more comb in the brood box which is almost full. There's also about 4 full frames of capped honey and a frame or so of eggs.
This was surprising, I had imagined there would be less bees, less stores, next to no eggs and that the bees would be far more docile. It could be that I've been overdoing the fondant supply, but maybe not as they seem to be quite happy and productive, and I suppose that's the goal.