Introducing Queens

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Always Cross

New Bee
May 19, 2017
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This is my story about introducing my queen bees. 1 of my hives went aggressive last year just before winter. So got it through winter. Ordered 2 queens this spring. Put nasty queen in nuc put nice queen in another nuc put new queens in the big hives. The bees seemed to accept the new queens after 2 days so removed the plug over the candy and left them for 10 days. Went into the hives both cages were empty and no sign of the queen but a lot of Q cells thought bugger it reduced Q cells and left them to it for three weeks to sort themselves out. Went back and had new laying queens. So I ended up with 2 nice hives and 2 nasty ones. Last Thursday ordered more queens again. Monday made up 2 queenless nucs Tuesday put new Q in the nucs in cages. Put cages on top of frames while I checked for Q cells. 1 nuc had a sealed Q cell so removed that the bees in that nuc wasn't very happy with this new queen. The other one didn't have any Q cells and were curious about the new queen. Both queens are still in their sealed cages put them in nucs with a trickle of sugar water. Had a look on you tube later found some good clips from a guy called Zaur Man. The clips were called How bees behave when they don't accept the queen bee and the other How bees behave when they accept the queen. Sorry this is a bit long winded. Will update this post when things happen if people are interested. Thanks to Curly for your help.