I'm being forced to accept a new beekeeping agreement

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A pollen survey would have told you where the honey was coming from and what proportion could be attributed to the allotment.
To be fair, most of the members simply want to grow veg for their own use and accept free polination from the bees.
A pollen survey would have told you where the honey was coming from and what proportion could be attributed to the allotment.
I can't think of any standard allotment crops that benefit from honeybee pollination. I don't see honeybees on French/runner beans, only bumbles. Soft fruit maybe but bumbles more common. I always have a strip of Phacelia on our allotment - again, more for bumbles and hoverflies.


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I can't think of any standard allotment crops that benefit from honeybee pollination. I don't see honeybees on French/runner beans, only bumbles. Soft fruit maybe but bumbles more common. I always have a strip of Phacelia on our allotment - again, more for bumbles and hoverflies.
Raspberries, blackberries, logaberries all get attention from honey bees - apple, cherry and pear trees as well. I've seen honey bees on runners, french beans and sometimes on broad beans but that's about all that I've seen on my allotment.
Very sad. Three months notice gives time to find pastures new and to collect information to feed the press once you have moved the bees. Unfortunately, the nasty types attracted to unaccountable positions of authority abound. Only when they encounter troubles do they realise that upsetting decent folk comes with a cost.
sorry last message was incomplete
The allotment in 2019 set up a charity and has become self managed, and lease the land from local authority.
was previously managed by a external organisation , plot holders have become members constitution does even have the word plot holder
the main change in the new lease was the permitted use of the land so that any surplus produce can only be sold for the purpose of the charity.
there's already a agreement that was put in place in 2020 wrote by a lawyer and 3 beekeepers including myself and one from outside the organisation .
approved by the working group that set up the charity and voted by the following board of trustees in 2022 .
this new group of trustees just decided to ignore it and write a new one without having no discussion nor telling me why the needs of a new one or myself having any involvement like previous time
just a emails asking me to sign

its bulling behaviour

"An allotment garden limited to the cultivation of fruit and vegetables and the keeping of bees subject to the terms of this Lease all food so produced being for consumption by the licensees of allotments and their families PROVIDED THAT the Premises shall not be used for any trade or business (any sale of surplus produce for the purpose of raising funds for the purposes of the Tenant or other charitable purposes excepted) "

this year there was very little honey 3 supers , as I volunteer with a organisation that helps refugees I did a extraction demonstration and all the honey was jarred and distributed to them .
it was a enormous joy to see so many happy faces when they received a jar of honey .

I have always donated to the allotment honey jars or part of the takings made at a allotment xmas sale , this year I haven't .
I get the impression that these pretentious representatives will continue to expand their power for as long as they are or feel empowered to act or make decisions on behalf of the group. It really is time to push the reprehensible practices of making up arbitrary and/or self-serving rules back to the margins of human experience where they belong.
I get the impression that these pretentious representatives will continue to expand their power for as long as they are or feel empowered to act or make decisions on behalf of the group. It really is time to push the reprehensible practices of making up arbitrary and/or self-serving rules back to the margins of human experience where they belong.
Sounds like a Home Owners Association in the land of the free.🤔
Sounds like a Home Owners Association in the land of the free.🤔
That rather depends upon what is written into the licence agreement.. if the members are jointly responsible for implementing any changes or whether the managing committee has the authority to do it without recourseto a full members vote. If they have the ability to terminate a plot holder without any reasonable cause then you are right. If it states that the licence can only be revoked if there is contravention of the agreement...then he could challenge it if he hasn't contravened the terms of the licence. Depends what is written in the licence agreement under Termination. There should be something about it in there. Either way I'd pack my bees up and leave... as Mike said earlier.. life's too short.
I forgotten this details that had been changed from a agreement into a non legally binding protocol for keeping bees and the termination paragraph was scrapped with this reason "
The document has been amended to reflect the fact that the relationship between the beekeeper and the association is already governed by the rules of the allotments which are quasi contractual. A separate legally binding contract not therefore required.

I just found the old email
I'm guessing the termination notice is invalid as they referring to a document that wasn't adopted ? but the protocol was

I rather be getting stung by asian hornets all day than worrying about this nonsense....
I forgotten this details that had been changed from a agreement into a non legally binding protocol for keeping bees and the termination paragraph was scrapped with this reason "
The document has been amended to reflect the fact that the relationship between the beekeeper and the association is already governed by the rules of the allotments which are quasi contractual. A separate legally binding contract not therefore required.

I just found the old email
I'm guessing the termination notice is invalid as they referring to a document that wasn't adopted ? but the protocol was

I rather be getting stung by asian hornets all day than worrying about this nonsense....
Well ... they have clearly not acted within their own laid down protocols but ....do you really want to be bothered challenging these people ? .. For one reason or another they obviously want to see the back of you - if they don't succeed with their Plan A I suspect that they will persist with a Plan B. Look for another site and tell them to stuff it ... their loss.
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Well ... they have clearly not acted within their own laid down protocols but ....do you really want to be bothered challenging these people ? .. For one reason or another they obviously want to see the back of you - if they don't succeed with their Plan A I suspect that they will persist with a Plan B. Look for another site and tell them to stuff it ... their loss.
Sorry what you mean with “they have clearly not acted within their own laid down protocols “?

I see your point in if they not succeed with plan A they will try plan B next ..
Sorry what you mean with “they have clearly not acted within their own laid down protocols “?

I see your point in if they not succeed with plan A they will try plan B next ..
"I forgotten this details that had been changed from a agreement into a non legally binding protocol for keeping bees and the termination paragraph was scrapped with this reason "
The document has been amended to reflect the fact that the relationship between the beekeeper and the association is already governed by the rules of the allotments which are quasi contractual. A separate legally binding contract not therefore required."

If I understand what you said above ... their new protocols replace the previous licence agreement except for beekeepers where they are already governed by the previous rules ... the previous rules had a termination clause which they appear to have ignored. But, like I said .. can you really be bothered with all this shenanigans ? Life is too short to deal with unpleasant people and their unpleasant ways ...