I had more hives! All the beeks on here are so busy feeding up, treating and getting ready for winter...and mine don't need me!
I have fed, and at the moment thay aren't taking any more in - even though there is space in the super. I treated, with a very low drop and as it is a WBC there doesn't seem to be mauch I need to do for winter. They are still making orientation flights most days, and the hive is still really busy.
Now if I had more hives...
I have fed, and at the moment thay aren't taking any more in - even though there is space in the super. I treated, with a very low drop and as it is a WBC there doesn't seem to be mauch I need to do for winter. They are still making orientation flights most days, and the hive is still really busy.
Now if I had more hives...