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......sorry @Curly green finger's , I'm not intending to join in with the condescending attitude some people are definitely showing towards you on a regular basis; I was genuinely not understanding the maths going on.

People seem to be dissecting what you report on different threads on this forum and are looking for inconsistencies. The problem is, as I've jokingly noted on a previous occasion, you can't use "Ignore" when a moderator says something you would prefer not to see.

It's interesting to see what you have going on and I can see that you are rightly proud of it, but I suggest that you post less detail about things. You usually sound genunely humble about things and are honest when there's something you're not sure about. I'm mystified as to how some people seem to see that as a weakness in your case; I can only presume from comments I have seen that they think that you are running before you've learned to walk. I can't comment on that because I'm still learning to crawl. :laughing-smiley-014
Thanks for the advice and you are right. post less, walk slower got it;).
I am a bit worried about this 'registry section' and have done nothing yet.
Am I the only one who's just a tad worried/paranoid about all of this? After all, my main apiary is under The Sword of Damocles' due to Beebase and their EFB alerts.
If I had not 'done the right thing' there, I would not be experiencing a situation, where I am now voluntarily quarantining and have not been able to expand, as I wanted this season.
To be honest, it's possible that woodside bees ( will only be registering a couple of colonies, at a garden location, somewhere in Handsworth next year......if that! :devilish:

I'm sceptical of anyone or any institution that wants to have an element of control over you . There is too much data collection these days , all used by multiple parties.Once you have shared your info there is no going back.
I'm sceptical of anyone or any institution that wants to have an element of control over you . There is too much data collection these days , all used by multiple parties.Once you have shared your info there is no going back.
Aye well said.
Well I don't know about beebase I've not had to go through what you have had to do and I feel for you.
Looking on beebase I have one apiary registered to home I've only 5 sites and I've moved stock between 4 of them one is an isolated site for swarms and old queen's.
If I would of done what you've done I wouldn't be paying the bills you have been vidgulent fair play! how do the bigger guys do it if they have EFB on there doorstep?
If anyone wants to contribute with there thoughts?

How long will it be @Swn58 now before you can get back to normal?
I was down at the farm yesterday. I had packed nuc to move into a hive and wanted to break down my hive builder, as it is so huge. It consisted of two brood boxes and three supers. All of them were rammed full of bees, brood and honey. The top super is unfortunately made up of some frameless comb, due to me! I had initially left it on over the winter with loaded frames for them. I managed to leave it on for too long and the bees moved in. Yep, I know.....what an idiot....I should have removed it earlier. We were not talking happy bees as I did this job. I did not see the queen, but am reasonably sure she was in the lower box. I set up a new floor over the other side of the apiary and carried the top brood box over, then one of the supers. I shut them down and will unlock them tomorrow. One of these colonies will need re-queening at some point, unless it draws QC's.
The two nuc colonies moved to Abelo hives two weeks ago have grown incredibly! The brood box in one was already end to end drawn comb and sealed worker cells. I added a super. The other one was slightly behind, but I will be adding a super next week for sure, as the lime is now in full flower.
YET again, I did a lot of checking for EFB. I swear the bees are getting ever more annoyed, due to them being messed about at this important time. I was very glad that I had my Swienty suit on, I can tell you!
You shold register all you apiaries on Beebase - it's invaluable to know if there is disease within the vicinity and any responsible beekeeper should be putting their apiaries on there. There is no risk from being on Beebase - your apiary locations are not visible.

If you have notifiable diseases on your doorstep then the inspectors need to know where your hives are - and yes - you will almost certainly be inspected and if your hives are found to have EFB or AFB then there will be action that has to be taken - AFB is all destroyed EFB - Depends on your RBI but generally they are destroying colonies these days.

The Registry Section on here is something else ... although I don't think it's title actually reflects what it is intended for ...
I got an email over a month ago. I was told I would be inspected. I did a full check and found nothing. I reported back to them and was told I would still be inspected. Fair enough. The problem is they HAVE NOT inspected. In the mean time I received YET ANOTHER email telling me that there is EFB within 3 kilometres of my apiary!
If Beebase are under staffed that is NOT my's theirs's! My problem is that all the things I have been trying to do, at that site this season, has had to be slowed down and and in some cases halted. An example of that would be any nuc and new queen movements have been stopped!
I'm sceptical of anyone or any institution that wants to have an element of control over you . There is too much data collection these days , all used by multiple parties.Once you have shared your info there is no going back.
Yes.....and what if Beebase decides to contact people on here, who are not registered with them?
I got an email over a month ago. I was told I would be inspected. I did a full check and found nothing. I reported back to them and was told I would still be inspected. Fair enough. The problem is they HAVE NOT inspected. In the mean time I received YET ANOTHER email telling me that there is EFB within 3 kilometres of my apiary!
If Beebase are under staffed that is NOT my's theirs's! My problem is that all the things I have been trying to do, at that site this season, has had to be slowed down and and in some cases halted. An example of that would be any nuc and new queen movements have been stopped!
Thats a bit odd isn't it ? they come and inspect an apiary less than 3k from yours but don't bother to inspect your hives. Bizarre.
I got an email over a month ago. I was told I would be inspected. I did a full check and found nothing. I reported back to them and was told I would still be inspected. Fair enough. The problem is they HAVE NOT inspected. In the mean time I received YET ANOTHER email telling me that there is EFB within 3 kilometres of my apiary!
If Beebase are under staffed that is NOT my's theirs's! My problem is that all the things I have been trying to do, at that site this season, has had to be slowed down and and in some cases halted. An example of that would be any nuc and new queen movements have been stopped!
Well you know the answer is DASH
Thats a bit odd isn't it ? they come and inspect an apiary less than 3k from yours but don't bother to inspect your hives. Bizarre.

I'm telling you guys your all playing with fire , yes of course try your best to keep your bees inspected for AFB and EFB,but if you found some wouldnt it be more beneficial just to go see your neighbouring keeper and inform them over a cuppa , theres no doubt you all know each other in the area. The sinister side of these organisations is who I getting access to all this data also? All of a sudden you will find you need a license to to treat for varroa,a license to keep a hive , a mandatory inspection once a season costing a shilling. Nothing is free in this world, even control.
but if you found some wouldnt it be more beneficial just to go see your neighbouring keeper and inform them over a cuppa , theres no doubt you all know each other in the area.
No actually we don’t know who most of the hives belong to.
I live in the Aeron valley and I can tell you there are groups of hives tucked away all over the place. Some I know are New Quay honey farm and some an outfit called Bluegrass but which I haven’t a clue
No actually we don’t know who most of the hives belong to.
I live in the Aeron valley and I can tell you there are groups of hives tucked away all over the place. Some I know are New Quay honey farm and some an outfit called Bluegrass but which I haven’t a clue
I see about ten hives from the train at a private house two miles from me and know that there are about five hives near the canal, about a mile away. Are they registered with Beebase? Who knows! Beebase certainly give me no detailed information, that's for sure.
Yes.....who told Beebase that they had EFB? Why haven't Beebase then passed the information along to me? Then I would know how dangerous the situation could be!
Curly asked how the bigger bee-farmers would fair and are dealt with. A good question! Would they be told to destroy their colonies? they have to comply? Any chicken, pig or cattle farmers have to do what they are told if there is disease?
EFB etc. may be a notifiable disease, but how bound is any of us to follow what we are told to do, by the Beebase people?
they HAVE NOT inspected. In the mean time I received YET ANOTHER email telling me that there is EFB within 3 kilometres of my apiary!
As I recall, the NBU check only a sample of apiaries within the 3k area; they do not have the resources to check every apiary and so advise beekeepers to check brood.
I'm telling you guys your all playing with fire , yes of course try your best to keep your bees inspected for AFB and EFB,but if you found some wouldnt it be more beneficial just to go see your neighbouring keeper and inform them over a cuppa ,

No. I wouldnt trust some of them to zip their own veil up.
As I recall, the NBU check only a sample of apiaries within the 3k area; they do not have the resources to check every apiary and so advise beekeepers to check brood.
That is exactly the right approach, if you really care about beekeeping then share your experiences, good, bad and the ugly, how else are beekeepers going to learn to spot these problems and not to treat it as bad beekeeping.
Are they registered with Beebase? Who knows! Beebase certainly give me no detailed information, that's for sure.
Yes.....who told Beebase that they had EFB? Why haven't Beebase then passed the information along to me?
They are not permitted to do so.
And only an idiot would think they could - GDPR and the privacy of the individual bars them from doing so
Curly asked how the bigger bee-farmers would fair and are dealt with. A good question! Would they be told to destroy their colonies? they have to comply? Any chicken, pig or cattle farmers have to do what they are told if there is disease?
EFB etc. may be a notifiable disease, but how bound is any of us to follow what we are told to do, by the Beebase people?
BeeBase is the website of the National Bee Unit, a part of APHA, which is answerable to DEFRA, so yes, we have to abide by UK legislation as directed.
:iagree: the law is quite specific, on it

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