How to clear/utilise redundant frames.

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New Bee
Jan 8, 2016
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As a new beek and avid reader of this site I'd first like to say thanks for all the advice I've gleaned already, however I now need some specific advice to plan my next moves:

I received a nuc mid last month on Nat BB frames . As I intend to use 14x12, I placed the frames (5 - Q, bias & stores) in a super/eke with dividerm to keep it min size. I placed 5, 14 x 12 foundation frames in the BB above, again with a divider to replicate the nuc below. I hoped the bees would draw out the frames and move up into the big BB, where I wanted them. All went well and they have moved up well. Once established I placed a QE to stop the Q going back down, and have added new foundation as they have expanded.

I now have the old nuc with only sealed brood and stores, the QE then 9 frames in the 14 x 12 (5 good brood and stores, 2 partially drawn with pollen/nectar and 2 in first stages of being drawn.

My questions (at last!) is what to do with the "old" nuc once they bees have emerged? I suspect I should put bees in prime BB, add the last 2 foundation for space, and remove lower redundant frames. Does that seem reasonable? Can I use/ recover the stores or will it be an unavoidable loss?
I would put the short frames above and use it as a super once the brood has emerged. Extract then burn the frames.
I considered that but as they don't fit in a super, and I only have 5 frames I thought I'd go straight to a super of new frames/foundation.
I think I'll have to extract from the good store frames and sacrifice the rest, then burn as suggested.
Once the nuc brood has emerged you could put the nuc frames above the crown board.
Reduce the hole in the crown board to a size to allow only 2 or 3 bees to get through. The bees will think that the above crown board frames are not part of the hive and move the stores down.
If the bees don't move the stores, then place a super of frames between the 14 x 12 and the reduced hole crown board.
OK, hadn't thought of that. I'll give that a go before loosing stores etc.

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