I went to my first beekeeping class aged 11 yrs in 1958 , got my first hive in 1959 and kept just two colonies until 1974 when I expanded rapidly up to 25 hives which I have been running ever since, all on double broods. Now aged 76 and with dodgy knees I am finding the lifting/carrying more difficult. I gave up migratory beekeeping over 10 yrs ago and have now I have reached the point where I need to cut back year on year, aiming to drop to 4 or 5 colonies to keep me and my immediate family in honey before reluctantly giving up completely when I can no longer stand, lift or become mentally incapacitated!
So every year since my first hive, I reckon to have learnt or tried something new regarding bees and beekeeping. I consider "problems in beekeeping" as "solution and learning opportunities". I learnt a lot about practical beekeeping not just from my own experiences or from books (although I read quite a few of those on the way to my NDB) but from conversations with or watching other beekeepers working their bees including Br Adam , Ron Brown, Beo Cooper, Alan Barber, David Allen, Ted Hooper, Karl Showler, Eric Milner, Geoff Hopkinson, Clive De Bruyn, Adrian Waring and many other lesser known"experts" most of whom are unfortunately are no longer with us.