It's been interesting and had lots to take in, I collected a swarm in June which went into a top bar, they have superseded the original queen and are doing great except I'm a bit disheartened with the TB method after heavy combs coming away on three occasions! And it takes AGES to check them each weekend, they have good stores and a very good queen so are increasing numbers well ready for winter as apposed to decreasing in an established colony, I've not seen a single Veroa mite or evidence of them this colony which is good too.
I bought a Nuc of BF about a month or so ago which are headed by a 2014 queen which are very well natured and have been building up numbers and stores well, they have tried to supercede which I stopped the first time but are trying again so I will let them although the queen is still laying well enough I guess they know what they are doing and worse case is ill have to buy a queen in the spring if the new one isn't suitable.
I have also recently taken on a failing Nuc for one of my brothers, unfortunately he had left them alone far too long and they had dwindled down to virtually nothing so my advice of buying a new queen to replace his was perhaps wrong as he didn't have a queen at all only laying workers! He had a cup full of bees, many drones and no brood or stores, he'd filled up the feeder with syrup which was a massive attractant to wasps so they were pretty much doomed, he brought the Nuc, complete with new queen and all to my place which is around 8 miles away, I shook out the bees added two frames of brood and bees from my Nuc, after just over a week I have checked to discover no queen but a few queen cells and visible Veroa on the bees other frames!
I've asked for advice or opinion a few times on this forum and some do help but I must admit some do come across a bit high abrupt with their replies or comments as though I'm an idiot! Well maybe but I'm asking for a reason surely it would be more idiotic not to ask for help from experienced keepers?
Not sure if that's what you were after but basically it's been a steep learning curve but I'm looking forward to next year, some better weather and hopefully the prospect of some honey