Hiveclean business

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Interestingly, despite my being told in the past that it is carcinogenic, you do seem to be right in that it is not, my mistake. However I still think the HSC should know that those reps were encouraging people to drink it.

Cambridge UK
Another good argument against vergetarianism. I think I will put tasting HiveClean onto the list of stupid things that I have done, never to be repeated, list.
In our forest we have a very poisonous mushroom. But it is perhaps the best tasting of our mushrooms. The handling is complex.


"Although it is still commonly consumed after parboiling, recent evidence suggests that even this procedure may not make the fungus entirely safe;[1] thus raising concerns of risk even when prepared properly. When consumed, the false morel's principal active agent, gyromitrin, is metabolized into the toxic compound monomethylhydrazine (MMH). The toxin affects the liver, central nervous system, and sometimes the kidneys. Symptoms of poisoning involve vomiting and diarrhea several hours after consumption, followed by dizziness, lethargy and headache. Severe cases may lead to delirium, coma and death after 5–7 days."

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Hiveclean contains oxalic acid. Although this is 'natural' as the salespeople like to stress it is also poisonous. About a litre of it would be enough to kill some individuals. When sipped occassionally it is safe, like rhubarb, but have enough and it will kill you. I think the sales people have been irresponsible in the way they promote Hiveclean.