Hive noises

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House Bee
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
Pamber Heath Hampshire
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We've just been listening to one of the hives - there seems to be a piping noise than an 'answer' what do we do? :)
There were 2 queen cells left - I guess they have both hatched - do we let them get on with it - and get the swarm kit ready?
You can catch the cast and re-unite at some convenient point.
They may might do the other never know....but I wouldn't bet on it.
We've just been listening to one of the hives - there seems to be a piping noise than an 'answer' what do we do? :)

Hi Elaine,
Just been through the exact experience. Q- hive, heard queen piping and queen quacking in response. This forum stated that Q- hive never swarms. However, ten minutes later a swarm issues! Most of the fighting seems to be on the forum none in real life bees or humans. Oliver, would you like to take this one!
No cast (yet) At this stage I am not convinced there is anything I cando - I did what i thought would prevent a swarm in the first place - but they went anyway, so that failed! :)
presumably Q- hive had more than 1 QC so cast happened as one would expect.

So, the notion that first virgin out will kill the one still in the QC, particularly since it is a Q- hive is just a nice story like Father Christmas?
Most that I've read point that out. Concerning newly emerged virgins, I don't think I've read that the first out will always kill the rest, there are a number of outcomes.
Hi Elaine,
Just been through the exact experience. Q- hive, heard queen piping and queen quacking in response. This forum stated that Q- hive never swarms. However, ten minutes later a swarm issues!

Well it wasn't Q- then was it!

Is that not the same as to say the text books are of little use?

No, they need to be read carefully and understood. Your reading must be very limited if you haven't come across the concept of casts.

Well it wasn't Q- then was it!


It had two queen cells - no queen and I was not trying to introduce a live queen. The story goes one queen emerges and does the piping the other still in its QC responds by quacking according to the text books and my listening at the hive entrance. Text book would be the first one out kills the second one... am I missing something here!!!! Oh, yes the bit about the workers deciding that they shall both live.
No, they need to be read carefully and understood. Your reading must be very limited if you haven't come across the concept of casts.


Yes, I do understand the concept of prime swarm and cast swarms. Prime Swarms headed by the old mated queen. Casts or after-swarms (Ted Hooper p152) ... These will be headed by a young unmated queen, or in some cases by several.' My problem was that I listened to someone on the forum who stated that Q- hives don't swarm. Probably, someone thinking emergency cells. As far as I was concerned I did not have a laying queen so my colony was hopelessly queenless thereof the two QCs. I thought my experience was highly relevant to Elaine's. If you can guide us any further with your superior knowledge then I am sure we will both be very grateful. In the meantime, I am enjoying my beekeeping immensely a la Enrico style.
No, they need to be read carefully and understood.


You are so, so right in that one single sentence, in isolation, on its own, separately and without any other. (not labouring the point, mind:laughing-smiley-004)
