New Bee
Hi, I have 3 hives in Lancashire and up to end of October all were taking lots of syrup, changed to fondant in November and only the larger of the 3 took any.
When I went to give varroa treatment last week, one hive had only a small cluster of dead bees left in and a small colony in another hive, the larger one was perfect.
Never lost any like this before
Plenty of syrup on frames
They all had a drawn super underneath and insulation above crown board in roof space
Not examined up close yet but can’t understand
When I went to give varroa treatment last week, one hive had only a small cluster of dead bees left in and a small colony in another hive, the larger one was perfect.
Never lost any like this before
Plenty of syrup on frames
They all had a drawn super underneath and insulation above crown board in roof space
Not examined up close yet but can’t understand