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Al B

New Bee
Jan 17, 2025
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

I’m new to beekeeping, and I’ve signed up to my local association’s beekeeping course. Your forum has been a great resource while I’ve been preparing, so thank you :)

I’m about to order my equipment, a local mentor has recommended 14x12 brood boxes and explained all the advantages. Does anyone have recommendations to the contrary?

Also, if anyone happens to know of discount codes for Thorne I’d love to know, about to spend a fair amount and the costs are adding up quickly!!
Welcome, and of course people have recommendations to the contrary. But that doesn't mean we expect you to follow them. My association recommended 14x12. We had a very distinguished teacher and beekeeper taking our intro course, and it was what he recommended. some years later, I decided to change to standard Nationals to give more flexibility. And it so happened that said distinguished teacher had come to the same decision for himself at the same time! There's no right or wrong, though you hope to find what will suit your way of working best. Certainly you'll get a good spread of opinion here, and be left to make up your own mind.

Now for someone to disagree with that...
Welcome, and of course people have recommendations to the contrary. But that doesn't mean we expect you to follow them. My association recommended 14x12. We had a very distinguished teacher and beekeeper taking our intro course, and it was what he recommended. some years later, I decided to change to standard Nationals to give more flexibility. And it so happened that said distinguished teacher had come to the same decision for himself at the same time! There's no right or wrong, though you hope to find what will suit your way of working best. Certainly you'll get a good spread of opinion here, and be left to make up your own mind.

Now for someone to disagree with that...
I agree, after trying both nation and 14x12 I settled on the flexibility of the standard national.
What ever you decide upon, buy seconds in the sales. Aesthetically they don’t look as good but they do the same job at maybe a third of the cost and the bees can’t tell the difference!!!!!
(I've not finished my first year yet, so take what i say with a suitable dose of salt)
One reason I decided on standard national Over 14x12 is that I didn't fancy doing a demaree with 14x12 boxes. There is always the option to double brood.
signed up to my local association’s beekeeping course
about to order my equipment
Suggest you do the course first because you will (if the training is good) be told what you don't need as much as what you do.

14x12 is a cul-de-sac because although you get 41% more brood area over a standard National deep, if you need more space (you will) your only option is to double brood, and I can tell you that each 23kg box will test your back.

For that reason I agree with Richard: max. flexibility is gained from smaller boxes and you can double or triple brood easily.

Search on this forum for more info. because the 14x12 debate crops up regularly. I tried that size for five years and reverted to standard National deeps.

You don't mention whether you will use poly or wood hives. Poly is lighter, cheaper and more thermally efficient than timber. If you do choose poly, buy Abelo 11-frame because it is the best designed; look on this forum for more insight.

A mentor is a wonderful item but can also lead astray, so do more research and delay spending until the course has put your hands inside hives.
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Standard National for me too. I found 14x12 frames to be unwieldy because of their size. I agree with ericb above. Wait until after your course before getting bees. I assume you have already handled your mentors bees. If not wait until you have handled bees.
Wait for sales. All my kit are seconds and have functioned well for last 16 years. Buy flat pack hives. They are easy to construct. Good luck and enjoy.
The only sure way of finding what kit suits you is to handle it- hopefully your association apiary has a range of hive types
Not least because, once it gets to that stage, quite a few people discover that beekeeping actually isn't for them.

:iagree: I remember a trainee at the BKA, really proactive in the theory lessons, absorbed the learning and looked like a future beekeeper, first practical lesson - the same, got involved, asked the right questions, got his hands in the hive, handled the frames, not scared of bees, but at the end of the session when we were de-suiting and thinning out for home, he came over to me and said 'I've really enjoyed, everything has been great - but beekeeping is not for me, thanks and goodbye'
The saying "Act in haste repent at leisure" often applies in beekeeping, perhaps. This applies to "bargains" whether eye-catching discounted prices or second hand unseen online market place sales. I was lucky to be given an mini-apiary of home made national kit. BBKA course experience confirmed how I had fallen on my feet with kit I could lift and carry and was common sized.
All the best.
order my equipment
Reminds me of the question: 'is beekeeping hard, and a lot of work?' I gave him a run down of the ups and downs, after which he decided against. Catch was that by that point he'd spent over £700 (8 years ago) on a Thorne assembled first-quality WBC hive. I suggested he contact his local BKA and agree a management deal with a local.
I am always saddened by the number of beekeepers who tell me that they wish that Langstroths were offered to them when starting as they would now choose Langs. Large enough for most colonies so no messing about with 14x12s double brood or even brood and a half. And I am stating the views of some very experienced keepers here.
I am always saddened by the number of beekeepers who tell me that they wish that Langstroths were offered to them when starting as they would now choose Langs. Large enough for most colonies so no messing about with 14x12s double brood or even brood and a half. And I am stating the views of some very experienced keepers here.
me included …… but why does it sadden you?
I feel saddened that most new beekeepers are not encouraged to consider the merits of Langstroth hives and just encouraged to buy national as that is the hive most older members have grown up with.
I think it's because joining their local BKA that's what they see