If you're going to keep chooks for eggs on a commercial basis you have to make the sums add up - that often means additional lighting, only keeping them for a single season, buying in expensive high protein feed etc.
Many moons ago I was experimenting with a rather "old-fashioned" way of doing it - using Rhode Island Red/Light Sussex crosses to give dual purpose birds (cockerels for meat, hens for laying), and was looking at using a "home brewed" feed mix - this was the way it was done in the 50's, after which the two types of birds developed on two different courses, so that nowadays "layers" are pretty useless for meat, and vice versa.
As I said, nowadays a few bantams give me all I need in the way of eggs for very little in the way of inputs -even having kept chickens commercially I've always had a soft spot for them, they're nice to have around!