Slow down mannie.
First of all find the queen, more on that later.
If you take out HM and two frames of brood you need two frames of foundation/brood comb to replace them in the parent hive.
I would give the "nuc" which you are going to create in the spare brood box two foundation too. One against the wall and then the two brood frames then the last foundation.
Total four foundation.
Tomorrow when the bees are flying well, say 11am onwards, using no smoke, gently remove the roof and put it upside down in front of the hive.
Take of any supers and put on the roof.
Remove queen excluder.
Pull first frame and inspect carefully then put down against the hive.
Methodically go therough the frames checking each one and look for NOTHING but the queen.
If you do not find her on the first pass, put the frames together and go through again.
Still not got her?
National right? Pull four frames, obviously checking as you go, and leant hem too against the brood box so you have 6 left in there.
Pair them up x 3 sets.
leave as much space as you can between the sets and the side walls.
wall....... pair...... pair....... pair...... wall
Go for a brew for twenty minutes. No less.... patience here please.
She should be in between those pairs.
Failing that make a taramov board and when there are no, I repeat NO people around use that method. (they can get a bit nasty)
Good luck