With luck somebody with more experience will reply....I've seen it done but never harvested heather honey myself.wondering what extra equipment might be needed to extract heather honey. Already have a decent electric tangential extractor. Is a press essential? Any recommendations for particular makes and models?
... you could buy a stainless steel fruit/wine press **from ebay** for less than £100. It isn't large, but is big enough for a few colonies. You would probably need to alter the size of the pipe to cope with the flow.
Because it is so jelly like I'm wondering how to get it out of the extractor, through a filter and into the jars. ...
Thanks for the info. I don't really want cut comb and really only want stuff that I can jar up. Sounds like a lot of effort. Because it is so jelly like I'm wondering how to get it out of the extractor, through a filter and into the jars. ...
Thanks for the info. I don't really want cut comb and really only want stuff that I can jar up. Sounds like a lot of effort. Because it is so jelly like I'm wondering how to get it out of the extractor, through a filter and into the jars. ...
Because it is so jelly like I'm wondering how to get it out of the extractor, through a filter and into the jars. ...