Having to give up; due to adverse reaction to stings.

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Due to this situation I am unfortunately being forced to give up Bee Keeping. So I have three Nationals with Bees and equipment for sale.
1 x Cedar National / Buckfasts.
1 X Cedar National / !!!!
1 x Painted White National with Swarm.
3 x Camo Suits / New
New Box of frames.
Some Foundation.
Various equipment.

If any one is interested please contact me, thanks.
That's a shame. I'm just about to get started in beekeeping, do you think any of your hives/equipment would be suitable for me? I live in Lincoln. How established are they?

Contact me offline if you like.
I spent monday night in a&e after being stung the day before. The right hand side of my face blow up. The doctors said it was a local reaction.i had been stung before and I wasn't showing signs of a anaphyaxis shock, no rash, no breathing difficulties or fainting.
Sorry to hear your situation. Unfortunately my reaction to being stung has been getting worse. Last month I was admitted to hospital due to anaphylactic shock. If my son had not returned home early to go to the loo during a run I would probably be six feet under, lucky chap. Now very twitchy when near the bees. Really pi ed off. Have been offered treatment but will take two years!!!! And I as I am working still can't really take off every Wednesday afternoon. Might give it a go go when I retire?
Not happy, but still alive.
Hi Karlbrown,

If you would like to have a look you are more than welcome, no strings.

Give me a ring 01427 612 308
I bought a cheap hive off ebay but I'll get in touch when I've decided what I'm going to do this year

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