Have I made one nuc too strong?

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Apr 25, 2020
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Hive Type
Good afternoon,

So I have two nucs made up to which were done to stop further swarming from the hive, which sort of swarmed once with original queen who was found in a very small cluster under the hive, she's in a nuc with only two frames of bees added and looks to be doing fine. The hive was still packed with bees and had many queen cells so I took 3 frames out with a capped queen cell into nuc and left hive with 5 frames of new foundation and two queen cells hoping this was enough to discourage any swarming.

The 3 frame split is rammed with bees and didn't seem to loose many foragers back to the hive had a quick peep inside and they look to be all over the 5 frames and it's packed with bees, this nuc looks to have 30 times the activity and foragers of the other split with original queen and almost as busy as hive.

I don't want anymore swarms because of my location close to houses, gardens and inaccessible farmland, I am presuming now original queen swarmed and has left the hive plus taking 5 frames out of the hive will be enough to stop the hive swarming again.

But what are the chances of a pretty packed nuc split swarming?

Should I leave alone as it's currently in the process of re-queening only left it 1 queen cell but also added frame with eggs on, so should I get in there for a look around and check for more queen cells or is it unlikely?
They are not going to swarm if there is only one queen cell to emerge but they clearly need more room so put them in a brood box.
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They are not going to swarm if there is only one queen cell to emerge but they clearly need more room so put them in a brood box.

Thanks you were right they weren't swarming just a bit too packed in the small nuc.

I checked today and have new eggs laid on two frames so I assume I have a laying queen in there and was successful on her mating flight, but couldn't find the new queen I found it difficult with all the bees and was difficult not to squash them and get frames back in. I couldn't see any brood and seemed there were even more bees in there now all the brood has emerged.

I have another spare 6 frame nuc which is slightly larger than the one they are in, but no more room for another hive at present I would need to make some landscape changes to house another hive, could I possibly split this nuc in 2 or is it too soon?

Edit I think stores are slightly low in the nuc for all those bees.
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